Toolbox for Google Play Store™
Enhances the Google Play Store™ with various features.
896 users
Web Edit
Easily edit websites temporarily with a click of a button.
834 users
Notefox: websites notes
Take notes on every website in a smart and simple way!
825 users
Reddit Direct Images
Loads all images linked on reddit directly in the browser.
811 users
Helperbird: Accessibility & Productivity App
Your go-to for advanced reading, writing, and accessibility. Our features include voice typing, dyslexia support, an immersive reader, and a reading mode. Tailored to fit diverse abilities and learning styles, making the web accessible for all.
781 users
Amazon Vine Helper extension
Improve the experience of Amazon Vine members!
775 users
Random password generator
A simple random password generator for Firefox browser
746 users
Night Mode - Dark Theme
A universal dark theme. Night Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an On & Off switch which enables you to easily and quickly turn the extension On or Off.
742 users
Saves URLs of open tabs into a text file.
727 users
Sakuga Extended
Enjoy a better experience with SAKUGABOORU! Previews on posts, frame control on videos...
691 users
Call a Number via Fritz!Box
Markieren Sie eine Telefonnummer auf einer Webseite oder in einer Email und Rufen diese über das Contextmenü direkt über die Fritz!Box an. Benötigt eine Fritz Box mit Firmware 5.5+ und aktivierte Wählhilfe.
665 users
Old Twitter Layout (2024)
An extension that returns old Twitter's look from 2015 or 2018. WORKS IN 2024!
661 users
Very Simple Notepad
This is a Very Simple Notepad. Good for everything. Just jot down your Ideas or notes so you don't forget them. Very helpful. Saves when you close it. Saves and works on all tabs. If you can support, please do so at PAYPAL.ME/USEFULPROGRAMMER
632 users
Gifs autoplay for Google™
Autoplays gifs on Google™ Search Images.
613 users
Disable Twitter/X Trends
Hides trends on Twitter/X
603 users
Classroom Dark Mode
Dark mode for Google Classroom
596 users
Universal Automatic Currency Converter
Your new automatic currency converter. Completely customizable. Completly free.
583 users
Google & YouTube Cookie Consent Popup Blocker
Block “Before you continue” cookie consent popups on Google and YouTube
547 users
Essential Buttons Toolbar and Homepage
Inserts a toolbar with essential buttons: Homepage, Duplicate Tab, New tab, Close tab and more.
528 users
Android new tabs in foreground
Opens new tabs in foreground.
515 users
My IP Address Checker: Test IP + IPv6 + VPN
Displays IP address info and details like location + VPN usage when clicking on the IP button
474 users
Property Seeker
Take the guess work out of house hunting. Shows you the hidden price range on Domain and Realestate Australia to make searching for property less frustrating.
468 users
Simple extension letting you uncheck all checkboxes on a page.
467 users
Remove Login With Google
Remove the Login With Google Popup on all websites.
458 users
H264 Convert
Speed up ur videos!
413 users