Small Text Big
Makes website text larger and readable.
16 users
Ruby Switch
Toggles visibility of ruby text such as furigana for Japanese kanji.
16 users
Lemmy Language memorizer
Remembers your last used language in a lemmy post so you don't have to select it again!
12 users
TranslateBase: Provide comprehensive,accurate and convenient AI intelligent translation tools.
11 users
Enhance language learning by watching videos with customizable subtitles, instant translations, and a built-in dictionary. Works with YouTube, Netflix, and more.
11 users
Math Direction Fixer
Fixes the direction of math formulas in RTL text, making spans LTR.
10 users
Enables customization of reader-insert stories by replacing author-provided hooks such as Y/n, pov/s, and vrb/do/present/.
10 users
This browser extension enhances word interaction by underlining words on mouseover and capturing context when words are clicked. The captured information is sent to Emacs via org-protocol and displayed in the *paw-view-note* buffer.
9 users
Вимикає показ російськомовного контенту у результатах пошуку Гугл
9 users
Adicione atalhos simples para o <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> direto do seu navegador.
8 users
Charon ChatGPT RTL Prompt
Charon ChatGPT RTL Prompt is a browser extension that allows users to switch between Right-to-Left (RTL) and Left-to-Right (LTR) text directions in ChatGPT for better control over input text.
8 users
Perform accurate an accurate word count on any webpage or selection, with special focus on Gutenberg ebooks.
7 users
AI Chat RTL Support
Right-To-Left (RTL) support for AI chats like ChatGPT, Claude & DeepSeek. Improves readability for Persian, Arabic, Hebrew & Urdu.
7 users
Extracts word information from Jisho with a single click and downloads it as an Anki deck file.
6 users
6 users
إشارات اتاحة المواقع الكترونية
أدوات لإتاحة المواقع الإلكترونية لذوي الإعاقة ,والهمم وأدوات لترجمة الموقع للغة الإشارة للصم ،يدعم الاعاقة السمعية والبصرية وعمى الألوان وفرط الحركة ونوبات الصرع وكبار السن تصفح مناسب ومتاح للجميع
6 users
Wooflang Extension
Add new words to your Wooflang account on every website
6 users
lookup stardict format dictionary in browser.
5 users
Summarize large texts using Cohere API
4 users
Summarize large texts using Cohere API. Users can select a chunk of text, add using the extension, summarize them and display the summary on the extension window.
4 users
Replai GPT - AI Reply Agent
This AI agent helps you write high-converting social messages, emails, or support replies—edit to sound like you. Perfect for non-native speakers, small businesses, or anyone stuck on a blank page. Powered by ChatGPT. No signup required.
3 users
Транслітерує український текст з кирилиці на латиницю
3 users
Vivius Homepage
Basit bir şekilde tarayıcınızın anasayfası.
3 users
Right-aligns the ChatGPT and DEEPSEEK page for Persian users.
3 users
This extension allows you to save definitions you find online to your local machine.
3 users