Reviews for Bookmarks Organizer
Bookmarks Organizer by Sören Hentzschel
193 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5by akuzigirl, 7 years agoI apologize for 2 stars I thought I gave it a 5 star rating. Thank you for your hard work.
- Rated 5 out of 5by DrummerBoy, 7 years agoSimple and straighforward. Glad that it has the ability to delete the duplicate bookmarks right there within the add-on itself. The broken bookmark feature sometimes churns and churns and doesn't seem to finish, but that could be something on my end. Nice add-on.
- Rated 5 out of 5by rmbg, 7 years agoReally nice addon. Works perfectly with the latest firefox. The only problem I think it has is that when searching the wrong bookmarks, sometimes it takes a while if there are a lot of mistakes of the bookmarks, and the screen doesn't show any results while it's working in progress. I think it would be better to display the list of found mistakes while it's still working. And adding a pause function would save those who don't want to wait. But anyway a good addon!
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13440250, 7 years agoWhere have you been all this time?
My bookmarks grows rapidly -and wildly- until reach around 1.500 bookmarks since I was in college
now, whenever I want to re-organize this, verify each one of them, dammm, I am sooo lazy just to see the number of my bookmarks.
With this add-on,
my laziness got satisfied even more. just a few click, then maybe yearly task already been done in just a few minutes. fiuh. thanx a lot
a little improvement by the time I write this review, = is still correct. yet, your result = - Rated 5 out of 5by VividGirl69, 7 years agoIt helped me out a few times. Sometimes I forget to log out of my one account, and when I realise Firefox / Google have already synced my Bookmarks & Extentions , leaving 100's of duplicate bookmarks everywhere. - Unorganized. This Extention sorts out the mess. Just be patient ... If you have more than a 1000 bookmarks, it takes a while.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13406365, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13406016, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by An Nguyen, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13245296, 8 years agoEndlich mal eine SW die tut was sie verspricht. Einfach und gut; was kann ich mehr sagen!
Moechte das Addon auch als .xpi file downloaden, aber wie???
Gerne einen Hinweis.
GruesseDeveloper response
posted 8 years agoVielen Dank! :)
Zum Download: Rechtsklick auf den grünen Download-Button und Ziel speichern unter. ;) - Rated 5 out of 5by EffPeh, 8 years agoHm. Also grundsätzlich scheint das Add-On seinen Job zu erledigen, bleibt aber auch bei mir bei der Überprüfung des letzten Lesezeichens hängen. Keine Ahnung, warum. Aber immerhin musste das Tool auch 6357 Bookmarks prüfen und hat 2989 Warnungen bzw. 1061 Fehler festgestellt. Bringt natürlich nichts, wenn das Ergebnis nicht validiert werden kann. Von daher nur drei Sterne.
Ich hoffe aber, das es noch etwas wird mit dem Add-On, da ich meine Bookmarks wirklich gerne mal bereinigen würde - was aber bisher mit keinem Tool gelang.
Edit: Ich habe es heute (28. 08. 2017) nochmals probiert und diesmal funktionierte sowohl der Suchvorgang sowie die anschliessende Validierung einwandfrei. Ich weiss nicht, warum es gestern nicht geklappt hat, aber vielleicht lag es an einem vom Author bereits in einem Kommentar erwähnten Timeout.
Also falls es bei euch nicht auf Anhieb funktioniert, vielleicht einfach noch einmal zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt probieren...
Sterne habe ich auf fünf erhöht, denn auch wenn da noch irgendwo ein (kleiner) Bug sein sollte, konnte ich zumindest das erste Mal überhaupt meine Bookmarks bereinigen. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13232843, 8 years agoSehr gut und logisch aufgebaut, schlicht und übersichtlich im Design, funktioniert einwandfrei.
Der derzeit beste Bookmark-Checker. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13147762, 8 years agoWorks great, and finds http to https redirects :)
A built in bookmark sort function would be nice - Rated 5 out of 5by Bout's Morgan, 8 years agoImpressed, it found many bookmarks with http and suggested me https, that was exact !!! Minimum 5 stars.
Bookmarks Organizer 1.2.0 available on June 4.
Nice and fast. Important: Disable NoScript, it causes me some false warnings. - Rated 5 out of 5by fireattack, 8 years agoThe most important part that it needs to improve IMO is that:
1) A way to disable confirmation (super annoying when you have hundreds of bookmarks to correct)
2) A way to automate some processes. For example, auto correct redirect if it's only from http to https.
Overall, a great add-on that Firefox has been lacking for a long time (since another similar one died around Fx6).
I didn't seem to find a way to disable confirmation?Developer response
posted 8 years agoThank you for your feedback!
1) is implemented in Bookmarks Organizer 1.2.0.
2) is planned for a future update. - Rated 5 out of 5by Orangutan, 8 years agoScanned through my ~1000 add-ons in like a couple of minutes. Helped me get rid of a dozen dead ones, and fix the redirection of ~150 ones.
A couple of suggestions:
1) Some 'select all', 'select multiple', 'select none' and also checkboxes for each bookmark entry to offer greater control over which bookmarks get changed. For example, out of the 155 re-directions the add-on wanted to fix, I wanted to leave ~10 as it, while let the add-on correct the rest. Clicking 'correct redirect' for each entry would have been tedious, and clicking the 'correct all redirects' wasn't what I wanted. I eventually found out that clicking 'edit' then 'Save' for a bookmark marked as a warning excludes it from the 'correct all redirects' action, and this saved me a lot of time and effort.
2) If the webextensions API allows for this, offer to create backups, or otherwise encourage the user to create them on their own before they use the add-on to make changes. This could help users from shooting themselves in the foot.
3) Every time I clicked edit for a bookmark and then clicked Save, the Keefox popup showed up and tried to 'save the login.' Could this be fixed on your end or is it an issue with Keefox?
4) Once the results of a scan for 'missing bookmark names' show up, scroll down a bit so that the header changed from class `default` to `compact`. This compact mode doesn't feel compact enough. For example, a resolution of 1366x768 gives me a content area of ~630px on Firefox. But even with the header in `.compact` mode, I'm left with the results displaying within a height of ~400px. So (230/630)*100=36% of the content area is being spent in showing the header / footer and that action bar with the drop down and the 'check bookmarks' button. Maybe make the action bar and footer a little smaller, and maybe have (at least the compact mode of) the header change the list ' Number of bookmarks', 'Checked', 'Errors' etc. into a horizontal one instead of a vertical one to save vertical space. There is already a lot of empty space in the compact mode of the header between the star on the left and this list on the right.
Two nitpicks :)
1) The search bar that shows up upon completing a scan says 'Name or URL...' It is not immediately obvious that the text typed into this would filter the results shown below. Maybe something like 'Type name or address to filter results' is better?
2) The fox image on the right in the add-on page is very cute, but the white fur of the fox is too similar to the page background. I couldn't tell what the image was until I right click > View Image'd it. Maybe place it in a circular background for better contrast? This would also help give it the appearance of a button and better convey to users that it is click-able.Developer response
posted 8 years agoThank you for your great feedback! I'll check all of these thinks next week and will file tickets on GitHub for all things I want to change.
UPDATE 4.6.:
1. is planned for a future update.
2. a warning is planned for a future update.
3. it's not reproducible
4. it will be a bit better in Bookmarks Organizer 1.2.0.
Nitpick 1. it's changed in Bookmarks Organizier 1.1.0.
Nitpick 2. it's changed in Bookmarks Organizier 1.1.0.