Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 1.0.19
Released 15 Mar 2023 - 2.59 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*in this version font change case select box is updated with option a5_to_a54 (ADHTN + a to z) .
now with extension user can do :
1. transliterate 9(hindi tamil bangla/bengali malayalam telugu kannada punzabi odia guzarati) indian languages in unicode to latin ascii *bhasa54( 4 ADHT of bhasa --> bhasalish like hiNglish/TmiNglish/mANglish) or bhasa58(8 latin aiueohcg -> indian 1 byte ascii bhasa)
for *bhasa54/58 fonts keyboards please visit
#chemistry #periodictable #indian #languageschool #languagelearning #maths
1. #hindi
2. #bengali
3. #tamil
4. #malayalam
5. #telugu
6. #kannada
7. #odia
8. #punjabilanguage
9. #gujaratilanguage
L. #FreeEducationForAll
J. zava8.gitHub.ioSource code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extensionOlder versions
Version 1.0.18
Released 14 Mar 2023 - 2.59 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*in this version font change select box is updated with options *58/*54 lndian language fonts
now with extension user can do :
1. transliterate 9(hindi tamil bangla/bengali malayalam telugu kannada punzabi odia guzarati) indian languages in unicode to latin ascii *bhasa54( 4 ADHT of bhasa --> bhasalish like hiNglish/TmiNglish/mANglish) or bhasa58(8 latin aiueohcg -> indian 1 byte ascii bhasa)
for *bhasa54/58 fonts keyboards please visit code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.17
Released 14 Mar 2023 - 2.59 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*in this version font change select box is updated with options *58/*54 lndian language fonts
now with extension user can do :
1. transliterate 9(hindi tamil bangla/bengali malayalam telugu kannada punzabi odia guzarati) indian languages in unicode to latin ascii *bhasa54( 4 ADHT of bhasa --> bhasalish like hiNglish/TmiNglish/mANglish) or bhasa58(8 latin aiueohcg -> indian 1 byte ascii bhasa)
for *bhasa54/58 fonts keyboards please visit code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.16
Released 14 Mar 2023 - 2.59 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*in this version , in popup.html hin54/hin58 , bangla54/bangla58 , tmil54/tmil58 and so on..Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.15
Released 14 Mar 2023 - 2.59 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*for this version font change options are made available in case unicode-> ascii coversion is done for indian 9 writing codes.
bhasa58(8aiueohcg of latin bhasalish -> bhasa)
bhasa54(4ADHT of bhasa-> latin bhasalish)Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.14
Released 15 Apr 2022 - 2.02 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*this version coverts all 9 phonetical 9 indian languages from multibyte unicode to 1byte code.
in all 9 languages 9 chars are same
aieou hx cg
for any suggestion pls contact twitter etphorSource code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.13
Released 1 Mar 2022 - 2.27 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*this ver of ztr is able to transliterate 9 indic phonetic languages :
1. hindi/devnagari -> hinglish/hin54
2. punzabi/gurumukhi -> pnzlish/gurum54
3. guzrati/guzrati -> guzlish/guz54
4. bangla/bangla -> bnglish/bangla54
5. uria/uria -> urish/uria54
6. knrra/knrra -> kanglish/knrra54
7. tamil/tamil -> tmilish/tmil54
8. telgu/telgu -> telgush/ telgu54
9. malayalam/malayalam -> manglish/mlyalm54Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.12
Released 27 Feb 2022 - 4.66 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*this addon transliterates indic phonetic 9 languages in unicode to ascii/hscii code. 3 selects are there for user to select 1. language koding (unicode/ascii/hscii) 2. font for webpage language 3. case change (uppercase/lowercase/initial/none).
many language aeiou+h oneSource code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.11
Released 27 Feb 2022 - 4.66 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*this addon transliterates indic languages in unicode to ascii/hscii code. so it provides user 3 selects :
1) kode transliterate selection box ( to ascii / hscii etc)
2) font transformation for the indic language in webpage
3) text transformation to uppercase/lowercase/initial/none.Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.10
Released 27 Feb 2022 - 4.66 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*transliteration of indic languages in unicode --to-- indic languages needs 3 user selections.
1. kod (ascii/hscii) 2. font (hin54/tmil54/telugu54...) 3. case (uppercase/lower/none/initial)
so added 3 selection box for user to select these values.Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.9
Released 23 Dec 2021 - 4.66 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*to use ugraded library 1.0.8 changed in package.json dependency. rebuild and changed version.Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.8
Released 21 Dec 2021 - 4.66 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*in new version H is correctly dispalyed using q and A vith q phrom updated npmjs library 1.0.7 in package.jsonSource code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.7
Released 17 Dec 2021 - 4.66 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*When untransliteration ignoring in case NaN string and continuing.Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.6
Released 16 Nov 2021 - 4.66 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*This version of ztr translterator transliterates indian languages:
1) hindi / marathi/ razasthani ( central indian languages )
2) bengali / bangla / assami /oriya /odia ( north east indian languages)
3) punzabi/gurumukhi/grrvali/himachli/kshmiri /nepali ( north indian languages, nepali/nepal )
4) Tamil/Telugu/kannada/Tullu/malayalam
written in uncode script & phonetic based spelling system to:
1) ascii510 with below alphabets as :
vovels : A a i u e o N y h H , hard-consonants : k g c z t d T D p b s , dizits : 0123456789 (5+5=10)
softener for hard consonant : h as softener in (kh gh ch zh th dh Th Dh ph bh sh)
2) ascii810 with same Alphabets in but different hscii810 order
dizits : 0123456789LQJWXF :;<=>? ---> LQJWXF , ABCDEF -> :;<=>?
for more please unicase/u8.ttfSource code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.4
Released 27 Sep 2021 - 3.17 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*for transliteration to hindi , developed fonts hnskrit.ttf ( in ) . it will help faster transliteration.
it is also now the start for 2nd chain of changes.
it is 2nd iteration of Agile changes.Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.3
Released 5 Jun 2021 - 3.32 MBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*added transliteration phur all indiAn languages :
Hindi , Bengali / Bangla, marathi , Telugu, malayalam , kannada , Tullu , odia/oriya
gujarati, punjabi , Tamil. but to uze this firefox mobile/pc browser is needed vith u5cdot font in linuks/Android/vindouz . u5cdot can be installed phrom belou url :
( )
u8p_tu_zustzszavaSource code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only
Version 1.0.2
Released 29 May 2021 - 81.27 kBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*in this version updated library ( is used. it improved this version as :
1) ascii/unicode/transliteration map dictionary is used as argument to pass to transliterate_indik_abc as :
var transliterated_output = t.transliterate_indik_abc(input , zabc_dikt)
so this zabc_dikt can be changed in case in future translieration is needed for
more languages/programming_languages etc.
for ascii or unicode charts , please visit search engine / wiki.Source code released under GNU General Public Licence v3.0 only