Cette extension est utilisable sur <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1e42b14e32d0cc81b38cfaf766cedd6eccf2b03acd2cf45607ddd8e2d46cad43/https%3A//translate.wordpress.org/" rel="nofollow">https://translate.wordpress.org/</a> et permet de visualiser quelques erreurs sur les traductions en français.
34 users
Hepart Mega
Copart helper( beta channel)
33 users
e-Cert Extension
Hongkong Post e-Cert Extension
33 users
BINSniper Sidebar for eBay
BINSniper monitors eBay sites in real-time and waits for new listings that match your search rules. Buy-It-Now and Best Offer items are supported. Great for resellers or just finding rare and under-priced items. Get to those new items first!
33 users
Tab Reminder
Quickly set reminders to revisit specific web pages.
33 users
This addon is used to alert the user on possible phishing or malicious pages based on certain keywords found used in various phishing incidents. The addon is a simple code which only checks the page content for the specific keywords defined.
33 users
Broken Resources Finder
The scope of the Broken Resources Finder WebExtension is to detect unavailable web resources like images or stylesheets by scanning the currently visited website and its embedded stylesheets.
33 users
FreshRSS Checker
Shows unread count for FreshRSS
33 users
OwnCast Browser Extension
Owncast Browser Extension is a Firefox extension used to follow various Owncast Instances
32 users
ClipMove Text to Speech Reader
Powered by <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3061c332fb70ef412e113bc3ee01fc00a2e468676964fd0b2572a9b96b3507fd/http%3A//ClipMove.com" rel="nofollow">ClipMove.com</a>, Read aloud the current web-page article with one click, using text to speech (TTS). Supports 40+ languages.
32 users
Displays the number of unread tasks in your Inbox folder.
32 users
Fast access to your <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3901b3fccf52d26268c0a4cf4331b423a43a88f9d27d510c96095d599a8fd353/http%3A//Seedboxes.cc" rel="nofollow">Seedboxes.cc</a> account
32 users
ESO TwitchDrops
This extension checks at browser startup via <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3de220ab086fc986e99b2eb981c422850337458083d1237de48ae73fcac2dfb0/https%3A//eso-hub.com" rel="nofollow">https://eso-hub.com</a> if Twitch-Drops for 'Elder Scrolls Online' are currently active and/or if a current event is taking place.
32 users
Time Blocker
A time blocking extension, for working using the time blocking method. Has three presets: A time block for working/studying, a small and big breaks. Additional features: * Keyboard shortcuts. * Sound playing/popup when timer finishes.
32 users
Insight™ (brief website analytics)
Provides website information such as Rank, and checks URLs against suspected pages.
31 users
FireFox extention to fetch and redeem SHiFT codes on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/734b5cedf346d0d02978f37e552efa51530511378ff91c117062a6a5eebe6c47/http%3A//borderlands.com" rel="nofollow">borderlands.com</a>
31 users
If the URL matches the keyword you specified, the entire browser tab will be displayed in red. You can register multiple keywords. あなたが指定したキーワードにマッチしたURLの場合、ブラウザタブ全体が赤く表示されます。複数のキーワードを登録することができます。
31 users
Selection to Google Calendar
With this extension, you can select any information about an event, right click on it, and send it straight to your Google Calendar.
31 users
Cloudphish Anti-Phishing Extension
Email Phishing Protection Plugin. Send and receive authenticated emails safely and detect phishing attempts in Gmail or Outlook.
31 users
Reminds you to sit up straight with pop-up notifications at specified time intervals.
31 users
Shop global. Pay local. No hidden fees.
31 users
The Timer
The Timer Add-On is a Firefox browser extension that allows users to set countdown timers with precision. Users can input the desired timer duration in hours, minutes, and seconds through a simple popup interface. The add-on then runs the timer in th
31 users
External IP GeoIP
Display you external IP and IP country
30 users
Trooper checker
Toont een balkje bovenaan websites die Trooper ondersteunen, zodat je niet vergeet om naar de site te surfen via de Trooper-pagina
30 users
Push Client
An extension that can send and receive pushes for the <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/614b0f7bf5a9e63b3982f56636d5de4c8eaaedd96455377db6434c2f061008af/http%3A//Pushover.net" rel="nofollow">Pushover.net</a> service
30 users