Copies Lyrics from a Genius Page
1 user
Simple Pomodoro Clock
A simple pomodoro clock in your browser to improve your productivity.
1 user
Legal Guardian Mailer
Eine React Erweiterung für einen schnellen E-Mail Kontakt mit Erziehungsberechtigten.
1 user
Extract Emails in 1 Second
Extract and save emails from the current webpage.
1 user
Captcha Warning
Warns you when a website is using captcha in the background
1 user
Lectio Extra
Forbedrning og tema til siden <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
1 user
Mit langjährigen Erfahrungen ist die S Direkt ein verlässlicher Partner bei regionalen und überregionalen Auftraggebern aus der Sparkassenorganisation und aus anderen Bereichen.
1 user
Most links to career and jobs pages are hidden away at the bottom of websites or in some arcane menu. Thanks to the use advanced AI your browser will always let you know when a website might be offering some jobs.
1 user
use in <a rel="nofollow" href="">*</a> pages, to present a tidy page and 10 popup bullet comment
1 user
What Day Is Today
What Day Is Today, is a simple extension allow you to check specialities of each day
1 user
Reddcoin tracker
This extension is made for the lovely reddcoin community. You can easily enter the Reddcoin amount you have and it will convert it to either Euros or Dollars. The extension is using the Cryptonator API, prices are updated every 30 second
1 user
Zoho Hard Refresh
Multi-navigator extension to hard refresh zoho because it sucks
1 user
Escavador Monitoramentos
Receba uma notificação quando um novo monitoramento for encontrado.
1 user
Domain Defender (TM)
Made by ai6net to check blacklisted sites <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
Yucata Status
An unofficial <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> status widget that links to your current turn.
1 user
A plugin that makes it easier to save bookmarks to the WebCull bookmark manager.
1 user
YouTube Playlist Time Calc
A simple extension to calculate total time of a YouTube playlist!
1 user
App Notification No more
Removes the annoying 'add x as app for y' notifications
1 user
Firefox extension to disable the PvPoke pop-up
1 user
DayTasks is a browser extension that helps manage your time and tasks, providing a countdown timer and a todo list.
1 user
Brwsng QOL
This extension prevents you from opening too many tabs in your browser and enhances your Quality of Life of web-browsing.
1 user
BC Parks Automation
This addon helps to catch and reserve the camping spot on BC Parks website.
1 user
Custom App Gmail Extension
Extension showing use of the InboxSDK adding action items from Gmail to the Custom app
1 user
PhisherMan Protect
+ Protects your browser from Phishing + Uses an AI model to detect when the user browses to a suspicous URL + Detect never seen before phishing URLs (even ones Google missed!) + Observe our detailed logs
1 user
Antipook: notify
Mostra le notifiche di antipook.
1 user