TE MyTime Watcher
TE MyTime Watcher extension helps to claim your TERP hours in time
0 users
JIRA Issue Preview (JIP)
Jira Issue Prevview adds useful tools to your JIRA experience, e.g. displaying a preview of an issue when hovering over an issue link.
0 users
ScombZ Utilities ORION
ScombZ Utilities(<a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/addon/scombz-utilities/)の軽量版です。" rel="nofollow">https://addons.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/addon/scombz-utilities/)の軽量版です。</a> 使いにくいScombZのサイドメニューやテストを修正したり、ADFSボタンの自動スキップができます。よりユーザビリティに優れたScombZを提供します。
0 users
Potato Clock
A simple browser extension for managing your productivity. This extension is originally from Tomato Clock by Samuel Jun.
0 users
Fishing Gear Sale Notification
Shows off desktop fishing gear sale notifications, which are "toast" windows that pop up on the desktop.
0 users
Underdark Gaming Statut
Soyez informé quand Underdark Gaming commence à streamer !
0 users
DEMO: SplunkAnalyticsConnector
For customized support how to install it and configure it, book a meeting through my webpage. <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/9c421a93a9568def44a6c5efbdb3e0cb72d3a68a3a4495f2880414d4d4d5e481/https%3A//1-off.github.io" rel="nofollow">https://1-off.github.io</a>. To check the output click: shift+ctrl+J
0 users
Extention de moderateur sur Netino Moderatus
0 users
Turns website dark when the internet connection is lost.
0 users
Daily Intake Tracker
Track your daily water intake effectively.
0 users
Harga Emas MY
Melihat harga emas terkini di Malaysia
0 users
Expiration Alerts
Get alerts for expiring coupons.
0 users
Génère une notification lorsque Goueland passe en live sur Twitch.
0 users
The Clear Evidence
Guidance and Charity. The focus of The Clear Evidence initiative is Human. The aim is to spread wisdom and help people in need. Observe, Reflect, Be Wise.
0 users
Check si votre streameur favori (Arthur) est en live
0 users
Alex cookies
List cookies in the active tab, and save them to file you configure in a loop of time you define
0 users
Motivational Notifications
Delivers motivational notifications to users at regular intervals, featuring inspirational quotes from prominent figures in the software industry.
0 users
Data Retention Policy
Offers tools for defining and enforcing data retention policies, allowing users to establish guidelines for how long certain types of browsing data should be retained before deletion.
0 users
Découvrez nos Réductions Primoloisirs CE/CSE, accès rapide aux bons plans
0 users
Approveit Helper
The Approveit Chrome extension automates your business processes by providing an interface for the Approveit platform. It allows you to approve or reject approvals and tasks directly from your browser, receive instant notifications for new requests.
0 users
Automatically prioritize and manage your Firefox tabs based on activity.
0 users
Leave A Trace
This extension reminds users to visit <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/12c5fe02b3250bddac35273ea114f6017ba66f4d08afcb88de4bf2243353ca46/http%3A//leaveatrace.co">leaveatrace.co</a> at relevant times
0 users
Adranmelech Live!
Soyez au courant lorsque qu'Adran passe en live!
0 users
Get notified when your release becomes available for planning/finishes its deployment.
0 users
Tab Title Logger
Logs the titles of all open tabs to the console.
0 users