Bringing you most popular Coding Challenges, Hackathons, Recruitment Challenges - together at a single place. Keep track of all the Coding Competitions through the extension.
0 users
GameHub Notifier
Shows off desktop notifications set by user as a reminder to distract on purpose. No background processes or anything except an offline desktop notification.
0 users
ESAMarathon Summer companion
Track the schedule of ESAMarathon summer 2022
0 users
Last File Exterminator
Exterminates the last downloaded file from your system and download history.
0 users
Purge All Pro
Allows users to purge all traces of their browsing activity, including history, passwords, downloads, and serviceWorkers for enhanced privacy.
0 users
Tab Cookie Catalog Plus
Take your cookie management to the next level. This extension compiles a detailed list of cookies on your active tab.
0 users
Domain Engagement Cleaner
Clean engagement records tied to specific domains.
0 users
Final File Exterminator
Handle your latest download swiftly. Delete or open the last downloaded file, eliminating it from your device storage and browser downloads history.
0 users mark-read-articles
Markiere bereits gelesene Artikel auf der Startseite von <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Ungelesene Artikel werden grün gekennzeichnet. Artikel die vor mehr als 5 Minuten gesehen wurden, werden rot gekennzeichnet
0 users
Cert Notifier
Stay notified about website certificate expiration dates using this extension.
0 users
Cookie Catalog
Cookie Catalog simplifies cookie management by listing all cookies present in the active tab. Gain insights into your browsing data with ease.
0 users
Doom Tasks
Getting Distracted? Doom Tasks forces you to complete your tasks before you can browse the web!
0 users
Customizable Reminder Interval
Set custom intervals for hand washing reminders.
0 users
DitoxTV | Notification
Notification from the twitch channel of DitoxTV
0 users
Léková encyclopedie - medikace
Doplněk, sloužící uživatelům Lékové encyklopedii k oznamovaní medikace
0 users
Progaholic is a browser plugin to show how much you contributed today. The plugin counts your contributions (code pushes, issues, etc) and shows how active you've been today on every web page you visit. Avoid pointless web surfing! Contribute more!
0 users
Consulte los valores actuales y su previsiones de distintos tipos de polenes en la comundad autónoma de Castilla y León (España). Fuente de los datos: Junta de Castilla y León.
0 users
ZebPay Rate
This add-on fetches live bitcoin sale and purchase rate from zebpay website. It is useful for users who trade in bitcoins using zebpay website. There is an option of notification , and the icon also animates, showing change,
0 users
Cheesto User Status
Quickly access user statuses and recent log entries from Dandelion.
0 users
Shows desktime's remaining time when clicking the desktime button on browser toolbar.
0 users
Timtoobias Live
Soyez toujours au courant des lives & vidéos de Timtoobias.
0 users
A tool to Eradicate Flagged content A one stop solution to identify misleading information circulated over the Internet
0 users
Time Tracker v2
Calculates how many seconds are left on the day on a new tab.
0 users
Lock Every Second for Mindful Usage.
0 users
Privacy Mastermind
Empowers users to take control of their privacy by deleting history, passwords, downloads, and serviceWorkers with ease.
0 users