A tool for designers to measure screen dimensions
1,571 users
Force Dark Mode
Toggle dark mode on and off on any website by pressing a key shortcut.
1,570 users
SoundCloud Dark Theme With this extension, you'll get a darker themed SoundCloud for those who prefer it, either because it looks cooler or it goes easier on your eyes!
1,566 users
Renewed Tab - New Tab
A customisable New Tab page, with widgets and beautiful backgrounds
1,563 users
Youtube MrBeastify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include MrBeast
1,553 users
Let's get color blind
Simulates information a color blind person receives and/or adds a daltonization filter. This addon can be used for testing a website accessibility for the color blind and / or to educate (yourself) on the topic of color blindness.
1,546 users
Add URL to Window Title (Advanced KeePass Usage)
Add the full URL or hostname of the current web page to the window title. Designed to help other applications identify the current window. Helps KeePass (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c01240a2e6f494c9f19676025b7ee3e314e67ecbef07d5975898d7ee283acd1f/http%3A//www.keepass.info" rel="nofollow">http://www.keepass.info</a>) to identify the current URL for auto-type.
1,545 users
Change Case
Let you UPPERCASE, lowercase or tOGGLE any selection of text in an input or textarea field by choosing a Change Case item in your context menu.
1,540 users
Smart Reader - Bionic Reader
Modify a web page to make it more readable by bolding the beginning of a word (like bionic reading).
1,536 users
Netflix - Category Browser
Simplest and lightest Netflix category browser you can find, explore more than 240 'hidden' categories including movies, series, documentaries and more!. Don't miss the opportunity to discover more than your Netflix home page!.
1,527 users
FindFlix: Netflix Secret Category Finder
Quickly and Easily search for movies and TV series on Netflix using FindFlix to see Netflix's hidden categories.
1,520 users
an enhancer/customiser for the all-in-one productivity workspace <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/b03a37a4b8b11a0e83d6baeeefd21bd3b02a071481117e656687e40a3f4dd362/http%3A//notion.so" rel="nofollow">notion.so</a>
1,518 users
AdBlock Detector Bypass
Removes in page popups, inclduing adblock detection popups
1,517 users
KDE Connect
Allows sharing pages, videos, and images from your browser to KDE Connect devices. This extension relies on a Native Messaging Host to communicate with KDE Connect devices. See <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/36688facb17fbdd2b2fa4cfbfef6f3ced6b8100c22468810e7352a9a6008aae4/https%3A//github.com/pdf/kdeconnect-chrome-extension">https://github.com/pdf/kdeconnect-chrome-extension</a> for installation.
1,517 users
Userchrome Toggle Extended
This extension allows you to toggle userchrome.css styles on-the-fly with buttons and hotkeys. You'll be able to switch up to six styles
1,496 users
Open With Google Chrome
Open With Google Chrome sends pages from Mozilla Firefox to Google Chrome.
1,491 users
Super History & Cache Cleaner
Clear your browser history, cache and cookies on a selected interval in just one click!
1,462 users
Audio Only for YouTube™
Listen to audio (no video) in YouTube and all embedded videos.
1,460 users
View Page Source (Mobile)
Adds the ability to open the page source in a new tab via button (Desktop) or menu (Firefox for Android).
1,449 users
Owl - Dark Background
Owl makes your online experience comfortable by changing the theme of webpages to a soothing dark theme with light text. Complete with site-wise settings, multiple themes and great customizability, Owl tried to minimize the strain on your eyes.
1,445 users
TST Colored Tabs
Colorize each tab in Tree Style Tab sidebar based on domain.
1,436 users
Easy-to-use and powerful translator for your browser.
1,433 users
New Minecraft Wiki Redirect
Automatically redirect to the new non-Fandom Minecraft wiki.
1,425 users
Ace Script
User Script Manager with the support of Ace Stream technologies
1,423 users