TelNowEdge Click to Call
TelNowEdge ClicktoCall adds link to dial on any Web Page that contains a phone number.
48 users
BangDD: DuckDuckGo bang buttons
Adds a google bang in the duckduckgo search as buttons
48 users
Token Counter for ChatGPT
Show the number of tokens in the current prompt for ChatGPT
48 users
Focus Finder
Globally highlights the currently focused or hovered input field, button or action item. This helps visually navigating and observing the structure of a website.
48 users
Formats <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, enabling you to find what you need quicker.
48 users
YouNote - Create personal notes
YouNote - Create personal notes / to-do list
47 users
nextTab >
Passez à l'onglet suivant avec un seul bouton !
47 users
Go Up Button
Adds a "Go Up" button for Firefox
47 users
Красная типографика
Типографирование текста в полях ввода.
47 users
inTab gives your new tab more features! Include wallpaper hd,cloud disk,remainder,bookmark,weather,notes,history manager. inTab 给您的新标签页更多特性,比如自由添加网站图标,云端高清壁纸,快速访问书签、天气、笔记、待办事项、扩展管理与历史记录。
47 users
Add Doc to Classroom
An extension to help teachers share Docs to Google Classroom by adding a button to the Google Docs and Google Slides share screens
47 users
Иван Кузьмичев
Inspiring start page. With weather, date, search, bookmarks, customizable services, light effects and a gallery of pictures.
47 users
CS Stats Viewer
Finds ESEA and FaceIt accounts and displays them on a Steam profile. Also allows users to quickly view detailed stats on ESEA users when hovering on them on the ESEA website.
47 users
Highbrighter to mark text on a site, add notes and navigate them through context menu. All the changes to a page can be saved and then loaded
47 users
Better YouTube Previews
Make YouTube video previews play on long click instead of hover.
47 users
IMDB to torrents
IMDB to torrents adds links to popular torrent sites to search for a movie from the <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> site. Use at your own risk and responsibility. Piracy is wrong.
47 users
Page Scroller
Automatically scrolls down any webpage for you. Either you are reading some lyrics while playing an instrument, reading a book or an article, or just feeling too lazy to scroll down with your mouse, Page Scroller is the right tool for you!
46 users
Secure Hash Generator
Generate a secure hash code (i.e. SHA-256) from any file or string!
46 users
This extensions will protect you from distraction by three different way. 1- blocking pictures on every websites. (web uglifier) 2- blocking text containing unwanted keywords. 3- blocking entire websites.
46 users
Tumblr Archive
Fast link to Tumblr archive
46 users
Wotwizard UI
Le magicien de la toile de confiance
46 users
Twitter Bird
Extension which returns the Twitter bird icon back
46 users
Laconic Hover for TV Tropes
Shows Laconic text when hovering on a TV Tropes link.
46 users
Potok Extension
Расширение Potok позволяет моментально импортировать кандидатов с разных работных сайтов и соц. сетей (сейчас доступны - HeadHunter / SuperJob / МойКруг / Facebook / LinkedIn / GitHub и еще ряд федеральных и региональных сайтов).
46 users
Dusky Gray Facebook [Dark Theme]
When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light... Keep your eyes healthy with the best facebook dark theme ever! Full theme, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and facebook.onion supported! Social plugins/widgets excluded!
46 users