CyberPurify - Harmful Content Purifier for Kids
Protect your kids from online harmful content. Filter 15 types of harmful content including porn, violence, horrror, etc. Filter both websites and images on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.
44 users
Fact Layer
Fact checking resource to help navigate the internet. Provides contextual information via the toolbar giving a brief explanation of a news/organization and what its bias is.
44 users
Movable window-maximize-button
Creates a movable button to maximize / restore current window.
44 users
OpenAI is not Open
Replaces OpenAI with 'Open'AI.
44 users
Google Podcasts Themes
Allows the user to apply themes to Google Podcasts
44 users
Screen Resolution Simulator
Allows users to simulate various screen resolutions to test website responsiveness and layout compatibility.
44 users
Time Zone Converter
Converts any time zone to GMT
44 users
YT Distraction Remover
Removes all recommendations from Youtube
44 users
Hidden Eye
reveal/view hidden fields on a web page.
44 users
No-inclusive - Convertir l'écriture inclusive
Convertit automatiquement les textes rédigés en écriture inclusive (à point-médian) en textes classiques pour en faciliter la lecture.
44 users
LeetCode format
Adds Format code button on leetcode to format the code using Prettier code formatter
44 users
Selectively adjust text-size according to language without changing other elements
44 users
Hides/shows content of password fields by pressing the Shift key three times.
44 users
Outline Reader
Cleans web pages of all unnecessary visual elements, retains only the essential content: text, illustrations and images; layout and typography are customizable. In addition, this tool manages a bibliographic database, a persistent offline annotation.
44 users
Zero: Word Replacer
Replaces words/phrases that user specifies on a webpage with new words/phrase that the user specifies.
44 users
Detects if a video is played in a tab and prepends the tab's title with a custom string.
44 users
BWNT - New Tab
A gorgeous minimalist new tab page featuring a clock and date. <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
43 users
Dark Connect
Dark mode extension for that replaces light colors with their dark theme.
43 users
Take a Break
Reminds you to take a break at a customizable time frame.
43 users
Повысьте эффективность своей работы с IP телефонией от компании Телфин
43 users
Google Images by Exact Size
Search images on Google by exact custom width and height from any web page
43 users
MangaDex helpers
Useful helper features for MangaDex. More features coming in the future if I have time.
43 users
Hide to Print
Hide html element to Print what you want in web page
43 users
Dark Duolingo
Darken Duolingo's UI to play online without burning your retinas! This extension affects Duolingo's style only, not its functionality.
43 users
Font blocker
Blocks the fonts you want to block. Right click on an annoying custom web font and click "Block custom font" to add it to the local database. The font will be blocked immediately.
43 users