Opens a page automatically on time which you scheduled.
29 users
Rons WebLynx Integration
Extension to add links to Rons WebLynx (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1d657a61e0be426d9cb5a0136d24d27524364285572d0cf73601a176c796623a/https%3A//www.ronsplace.ca/Products/RonsWebLynx" rel="nofollow">https://www.ronsplace.ca/Products/RonsWebLynx</a>) from the browser.
29 users
Shaanti a bookmark extension for Shaarli using the API
29 users
PackPack - AI bookmark manager
Articles, social media posts, images, videos and more — AI makes everything savable and easily readable.
29 users
Bitcoin Hoje
Veja a cotação do Bitcoin através do <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c83242c8743dd376720ef52d5c4c5595649fc035452898e5e4b58f4ea001ef6d/http%3A//DolarHoje.com/bitcoin">DolarHoje.com/bitcoin</a>
29 users
Useful for creating links from sources when composing rich text docs
28 users
URL Optimizer
Automatically optimizes Amazon URLs to the shortest possible form. Simplifying long and complex URLs makes them easier to manage, bookmark, share, and identify duplicate tabs. 💖 No user information is transmitted to/collected by the developer(s).
28 users
Capture your thoughts and save favorite pages in a new tab
28 users
SwiftDial Launcher
Brings back the freedom of launching your favorite homepage even on stubborn mobile browsers.
28 users
Fake News Trap Solutecia
The AI of Solutecia detects the false news within the content and frames it to warn the reader, in any web page.
28 users
Sourcetab: New Tab Dashboard
An open-source dashboard for your browser's new tab page, customizable with a variety of widgets and settings.
28 users
Taaabs - Zero-knowledge bookmarks & AI
Unlock the joy of your web research. Privately clip any page to your personal library. Assist browsing with ChatGPT.
28 users
Highlighter for Humans
A simple tool that allows you to highlight portions of a page.
28 users
Save the current URL in file ".url" and take screenshot of visible Tab. To execute the save dialog press hotkey "ctrl-shift-f12".
28 users
Custom New Tab
Want a better new tab window? Here you go.
27 users
Allows a window or group of windows to be 'stashed' (saved and closed) and later 'restored' (reopened and removed from store).
27 users
Windows App launcher
Launch the Windows 10/11 Settings app, etc...
27 users
The ultimate tool for video navigation
27 users
myReach Web Clipper
Save the things that matter on the web in an interconnected network
27 users
Openoox Bookmarks
Vos favoris vous suivent partout Avec Openoox vous pouvez sauvegarder, classer et partager vos favoris où que vous soyez
27 users
ECSBAS Bookmark Checker
Access ECSBAS (<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/0a6091e8b67dfbb92fcc94de2bd37efb8f9d80e43b284fb5d21043e5b5ccf996/https%3A//github.com/cshu/ECSBAS/releases">https://github.com/cshu/ECSBAS/releases</a>) bookmarks. Use shortcut (CTRL-Y by default) or click 3 times to add/check the active page. HTML can be saved as local archive, and compared with any future version when it's checked again.
27 users
Markdown Link
Generates a markdown link (e.g. [Example](<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c5b0d8d41c0ee81329d0959b2ab8fa1d4d748e360155177c5d8df80f1466d9b1/http%3A//example.org" rel="nofollow">http://example.org</a>) ) from title and URI of the current page. How? Use Alt+Insert (or Alt-Cmd-L on Mac) to paste a link to the currently visited page to the clipboard.
27 users
Lineup: Todolist, Notes, Checklist
Lineup: Todolist, Notes, Checklist Lineup: Todolist, Notes, Checklist is simple easily manageable tasks, checklists, note. With this you can also manage web links which you want to visit later. Lineup: Todolist, Notes, Checklist works offline.
27 users
Sort bookmarks alphabetically
Sorts your bookmarks alphabetically.
27 users
Supa Speed Dial
Clean and simple bookmarks on New Tab.
26 users