장애자 타이핑 서비스 베타판
장애자, 불구자들의 타이핑을 보조해주는 친근한 프로그램
0 users
Lingo Swap
Replaces selected text with slang expressions, adding a playful twist to your writing.
0 users
0 users
RecallV: Personal Cloud Vault
RecallV is a Firefox browser extension that intelligently captures, annotates, and helps users search through their open browser sessions. It provides a powerful tool for managing and retrieving browsing history, open tabs, and associated annotations
0 users
German Syntax Fixer
Identify and correct errors in German texts with this fast grammar tool.
0 users
Remplace le mot SEUM par le drapeau de la belgique
0 users
MDBG Audio Download
Monitors for Audio files on MDBG and prompts for download, preserving original filenames
0 users
Text Revealer
Reveal deeper information about text you highlight on a web page. When text is selected, a popover displays useful details about the text such as: Wikipedia entries, Dictionary definitions, and more to come.
0 users
Emoji Pickers
New Emoji keyboard you can add to your browser
0 users
Enhances vocabulary learning by highlighting and explaining advanced words based on user's proficiency level
0 users
AI Harness
AI Harness for browser is an Extension that integrates Artificial Intelligence into your Browser. It leverages advanced AI technologies to provide personalized content creation and recommendations, intelligent chat support, automated content.
0 users
Penghitung Kata
Penghitung Kata adalah alat penghitung jumlah kata dalam teks bahasa Indonesia secara akurat dan cepat langsung di peramban Anda. Ideal untuk penulis, pelajar, dan profesional yang membutuhkan analisis teks instan.
0 users
[Experimento lingüístico] Elimina todas las tildes diacríticas de las páginas web en español que visites.
0 users
Fr-Fr Persian Style
Friend Feed RTL & Persian style
0 users
Dark Reader
This is a extension that helps user to focus on the content and relax with lofi music, modified version of Tranquility Reader.
0 users
Propose de corriger le texte lorsqu'il est sélectionné.
0 users
TagName Extension
TagName brings the future of web navigation to your browser. Eliminate the need for typing URLs—use TagName's curated list of shortcuts or create your own for swift, effortless browsing.
0 users
GitInsight - GitHub Integration
Provides GitHub integration for viewing repositories and commit histories
0 users
Word Helper
A word translator and dictionary that uses Google Translate and <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/db9c679c6c7a9d70a89d3ea25414fb9b9693a881cac7e2a63f304c6ac9182f3b/http%3A//Dictionary.com" rel="nofollow">Dictionary.com</a>.
0 users
Incognito Search New
Stay incognito on Google searches with this extension.
0 users
Look up selected words using forever free meetDeveloper's dictionaryapi.dev.
0 users
Letters Converter
Convert Letters(English Only) to Arabic Characters and Vice Versa
0 users
Modifies keyboard input by substituting certain Cyrillic letter combinations with their counterparts that have an apostrophe (grave) to preserve a Macedonian grammar rule
0 users
Pulls kanji/vocabulary information from Jisho and displays critical information.
0 users
Priberam dictionary search
Quickly find the definition of a Portuguese word on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c8bea66b22512bb228d19b4604cde9b6f1b78f0f67bfb5588dec327070e3a6bd/http%3A//dicionario.priberam.org" rel="nofollow">dicionario.priberam.org</a>.
0 users