Fiorilli Web Extension
Extensão utilitária dos softwares Fiorilli
1,364 users
PDF Book Translator
Translation of PDF book into another language.
1,361 users
Easily explore and debug any WebGL context.
1,350 users
Block or Highlight Search Engine Results
Filter your search engine results. Block unwanted results and highlight the favorite ones. It works with Duckduckgo, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Startpage, Ecosia, Yandex, OneSearch and Baidu. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1,342 users
Clockwise: AI-Powered Scheduling Assistant
The #1 AI calendar assistant for Google Calendar
1,339 users
Native MathML
Force MathJax/KaTeX/MediaWIki to use native MathML rendering.
1,337 users
Simple Form Fill
Enter text into input fields by choosing items from the context menu or using the optional autocomplete.
1,337 users
Lingvanex - Translator and Dictionary
Lingvanex Translator helps you easily understand words, phrases, on any language! Just highlight a word or phrase, click on Translate icon next to it to translate it to your language. Translates to more than 108 languages.
1,335 users
Link Extractor
Extracts all links from web page, sorts them, removes duplicates, and displays them at the bottom of the page for inspection or copy and paste into other applications.
1,334 users
JWT Debugger
The <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> debugger as a Web Extension
1,327 users
Free OpenVPN Server Finder
Display up-to-date list of public OpenVPN servers provided by VPN Gate (University of Tsukuba)
1,327 users
TMetric – Time Tracker & Productivity App
Simple and user-friendly time tracking extension which helps you be more productive, complete projects in time and bill your clients correctly. Integrates with Trello, JIRA, Asana, Todoist and many other project management apps.
1,320 users
Cuando se selecciona una palabra en el navegador y se hace click derecho, añade una opción para abrir una nueva pestaña con los resultados de la búsqueda en Word Reference de dicha palabra.
1,302 users
Create a page with bookmark links neatly arranged. (and it can be saved as HTML file.)
1,298 users
Lorem Ipsum filler text for web developers. Uses Loripsum, Bacon Ipsum and Dino Ipsum APIs to retrieve customized text. Insert into fields using context menu. Source code is available on Github.
1,296 users
YouTube MP3/MP4 Converter & Download
Adds buttons to YouTube for faster converting/downloading videos. Faster MP3, MP4, AAC, M4A and AVI converting/downloading.
1,295 users
Browserpass is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome to retrieve login details from zx2c4's pass (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) straight from your browser. Tags: passwordstore, password store, password manager, passwordmanager, gpg
1,287 users
Tab Slideshow WE
Slideshow at tabs.
1,283 users
Iridium for YouTube
YouTube with more freedom
1,281 users
Se trata de un extensión que posibilita acceso a recursos lingüísticos ofrecidos por el Gobierno Vasco: servicios de traducción de ITZULI (, diccionarios y Wikipedia.
1,278 users
Dynamics 365 Power Pane
The CRM Power Pane is a helper tool designed to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics CRM application and allow you to manipulate forms.
1,277 users
ePub Creator
ePub Creator is a WebExtension that creates ePub e-books from web pages and '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'s online reader.
1,277 users
one sec | Website Blocker, Focus, Screen Time
“one sec” forces you to take a deep breath and pause whenever you open one of the configured websites (Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, …).
1,276 users
Re-enables the Gopher protocol in Firefox 56 and above, allowing you to enter Gopher URLs and click on Gopher links. Because WebExtensions does not yet have a TCP sockets API, this version redirects your requests to the Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy.
1,276 users
Captcha Solver: Auto captcha solving service
Automatically solve reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCaptcha, AWS WAF, and more types on any webpage.
1,273 users