Text Contrast for Dark Themes
Fixes low-contrast text when using a dark desktop theme.
741 users
Drag links to open them
740 users
Context Search Origin
Search from the context menu! Right click on some selected text, a link text, or an image – search for it on the engines of your choice. Manage your search engines easily with the native Firefox bookmarks manager.
740 users
小地瓜 —— 小红书图片视频下载助手
739 users
Simple Lorem Ipsum
This extension lets you insert Lorem Ipsum anywhere on your page with an edit mode to modify any content on your page.
736 users
Pretty-prints JSON content in the browser for easy, unobtrusive viewing.
734 users
Kofax PDF Create
Create PDF from web page
733 users
Parses and displays messages from X-ChromeLogger-Data and X-ChromePHP-Data headers in DevTools Web Console facilitating server-side debugging via the Chrome Logger protocol ( <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d7795a50b7bccb64fde1c09f64ee65baab7d07d4b5832a292aa887269d0563ca/https%3A//craig.is/writing/chrome-logger/" rel="nofollow">https://craig.is/writing/chrome-logger/</a> ).
732 users
Save the images from the open tabs
731 users
QR Code Generator
Generate QR code from any text and save it as an SVG image
729 users
An extension that provides an easy way of reconnecting your Fritz!Box. Credits: @kreyer.steve for the Chrome Extensions
729 users
Scroll Zoom
Zoom web pages with the left or right mouse button and the scroll wheel.
726 users
Select apps directly from your favorite software center by clicking Install from Flathub or apps.gnome.
726 users
Scan QR code
Scan QR code through Webcam and screenshot
724 users
Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)
Enhances the SteamGifts/SteamTrades experience.
722 users
BingeFlix for Netflix
Automatically skips every intro, while also playing the next episode at the end of your current one.
720 users
Automatically Skip Youtube Ads
Auto skips youtube ads
719 users
FxQRL - URL to QR code
Turns your URLs into QR code images using built-in library, no network connection is made in this add-on.
718 users
Switch To Previous Active Tab & Reload All Tabs
Activate the last accessed tab in the same window, or any window. Right-click the toolbar button for a most recent tabs list (MRU) and options. Restores "Reload All Tabs" to the tab right-click context menu.
718 users
Video Styler (brightness and more)
Extension allows you to adjust the brightness for all video players on websites, as well as apply advanced filters to video!
711 users
QuickNote is a minimalist, free & anonymous note taking app. Record any thoughts, note or todo list and share it in seconds. Everything you type autosaves automatically.
704 users
京价保 - 京东价保助手
697 users
Color Picker
A simple color picker extension. Easily pick any color on the screen, view history of picked colors, and copy or clear them with a single click.
695 users
Remove FBclid and UTM
Removes fbclid, gclid, and utm query parameters from URLs before they load. Simple add-on, no config, bare minimum permissions required.
695 users
Flash Control
Flash control or Flash block firefox extension helps you to block all the Adobe flash player files from any web page you visit.
695 users