Habitica Pomodoro SiteKeeper
Pomodoro Timer and Site Blocker that Plugs into Habitica and turns your time-wasting navigation tendencies into rewards.
590 users
YouTube Control Fix
Control consistency for arrow and space users.
590 users
Link Hints
Click with your keyboard.
588 users
Compat Report
Shows a report of browser compatibility issues using data from MDN
588 users
MaoXian web clipper
Clip information from web page to your local machine to avoid information invalidation. Save as HTML or Markdown, Pictures or styles will also be saved. free and respect your privacy.
586 users
Containers Helper
Helps improve container management by providing container searching, deleting, modifying, duplicating, and default URLs on a per-container or bulk basis. Complements the multi-account containers addon.
586 users
Allow Copy& Right Click
Allow Right click, Allow copy, Selection on web sites that prevent it
585 users
Night Mode Pro
Switch to night mode and the display is much easier on your eyes!
584 users
Color Temperature (Change Lux)
An easy to use screen color temperature addon!
583 users
IBM Cognos TM1 Web Clipboard Extension
This extension allows IBM Cognos TM1 Web access to the clipboard.
582 users
Simple Mouse Gestures
Mouse Gestures Super Drag Multi Link Opener Wheel Gestures Long Press on Links Rocker Gestures ****** When mouse gestures are enabled, a visual guide displays when you hold the right mouse button down and move the mouse.
581 users
Scroll through tabs with the mouse wheel, while holding down the right button (and/or keyboard modifiers). Please read the limitations below...
579 users
TWP - Translate Web Pages (Custom)
Translate your page in real time using Google or Yandex. This extension is a fork of TWP - Translate Web Pages.
577 users
FamilySearch Center Premium Content
Allows access to premium websites and other content from a FamilySearch Center operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
576 users
Simple Context Search
An easy way to act a context searching with one-time selected search provider. Context Search should be Simple. This extension use your searching list configured in browser, which means it could be used just out-of-box.
575 users
Allows you to point Firefox to your fiddler instance if it doesn't refresh the proxy settings after Fiddler has started.
575 users
Nord Theme
A Firefox Theme designed with nord color palette.
575 users
W3Techs Website Technology Information
Shows which web technologies the current site is using.
570 users
It turns language-specific module-loading statements like include, require or import into links. Depending on the language it will either redirect you to the referenced file or to an external website like a manual page or another service.
564 users
Life Science Dictionary Tool
ライフサイエンス辞書ツールは、Webページ中の広範囲な生命科学用語を翻訳することが出来るマウスオーバー辞書です。ライフサイエンス辞書プロジェクト( <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a537f687b68a2c956b269d3a617fdb55958932c7ec52211e2caa62dfcc02f0a7/https%3A//lsd-project.jp/">https://lsd-project.jp/</a> )によって収集された10万語の英語用語、11万語の日本語用語を、用例・遺伝子情報などと共にご利用いただけます。 本アドオンはFirefox57以降での動作に対応したWebExtension版です。旧ライフサイエンス辞書とは動作が異なる部分がありますので、ご注意ください。
563 users
Firefox addon to save and backup Tiddlywiki. Requires installation of native host.
562 users
Lingoes Text Capture Extension
Support Lingoes to capturing text and translate it in your browser, Use this extension you need to install Lingoes Translator from <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/68c62d5e8355c4eb5903073143c6f926345bb59cd734bce7b4e4e030ce140cac/http%3A//lingoes.net">lingoes.net</a>
562 users
Show Server IP
Show the Server IP without interacting with external Sites. If you are behind a proxy it will only show the IP of the Proxy!
562 users
Google image view image button
Adds the view image button back to google image results
559 users