Hide Fixed Elements
Adds a button which can be clicked to make "fixed" elements (that is, headers/footers/sidebars that stay stuck to one part of the window) disappear, opening up more space to view the page content.
278 users
WebHID for Firefox
Provides the WebHID API by connecting to a local server (needs to be installed separately).
278 users
Centro 365
A better way to manage Microsoft 365
277 users
AO3 Tag Blocker
Automatically blocks tags on AO3.
276 users
Displays the current viewport size when resizing the browser window.
276 users
Pajoohyar Connector allow you to save items to Pajoohyar standalone or Pajoohyar cloud within browser Firefox, using Pajoohyar’s site translators.
276 users
Glassdoor Easy Access
Bypass Glassdoor login wall
276 users
Find in Page with Preview
Find in page and show preview images around matches.
275 users
A site blocker that closes a tab if a blocked site is loaded. Sites can be whitelisted or blacklisted with regular expression rules and if a site is matched it is 'blocked'.
274 users
MDN Search
To use, type 'mdn' plus your search term into the url bar. Works for JavaScript and CSS reference articles.
274 users
URL Replace
Replace URL by regular expression pattern mapping
274 users
Any.do for Firefox
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/e52ccf683da6da3d268c4f9cd7d74382497b2b3a260672a1dd19677469681f57/http%3A//Any.do" rel="nofollow">Any.do</a> helps you remember everything you have to do and manage all your individual and team projects.
274 users
Outlook Web Enhancement
Make your email experience better with visual improvements such as removing advertisement messages and unnecessary clutter.
274 users
Dormancy 'retires' tabs that have gone unused for a while, freeing up that memory. It then restores the tabs to life when accessed.
273 users
Vue Performance Devtool
A devtool extension for inspecting the performance of Vue components.
273 users
Text Linky Tool
A useful tool for web links. Features: Copy as plain text. Copy as HTML source. Copy Link Name & URLs. Copy Tab Name & URLs. Analyze image/page URLs.
272 users
Technion Plus
Get the Technion's web-experience out of the stone age.
272 users
Yay! Another Speed dial!
A cool and highly customizable Speed Dial focused on style and simplicity.
272 users
Largest image
Displays the largest image from the current page.
272 users
Use ⌘+⇧+I for toggling fullscreen on any website.
271 users
Canned Responses Pro for Jira
Companion extension for Canned Responses for Jira Cloud add-on. Integrates with original comment field.
270 users
Copy Link Address
Copy Link Address with accesskey "a"
270 users
Javascript Control
Add a button in the url bar to block or enable javascript per-site. Default is javascript disabled.
270 users
Ctrl + Shift + C Should Copy
Intercepts Ctrl+Shift+C, blocks opening developer tools, and copies the selection to the clipboard.
270 users
Webpage to PDF
Convert any web page to a PDF document that resembles as closely as possible what you see in the browser.
268 users