Unofficial Obsidian Web Clipper
A clipping extension to create notes in Obsidian.
126 users
UG Downloader
UG Downloader is a firefox extension to download guitar pro and power tab files from Ultimate-Guitar more easily.
126 users
Allstate Ad Blocker
Allstate Ad Blocker provides automated blocking of unwanted advertisements and prevents data gathering by online trackers.
126 users
Anime Skip Player
Custom video player that provides the best anime watching experience, has fully customizable keyboard shortcuts, and auto-skips intros, outros, credits, filler, and more!
126 users
Ad Mute
Mutes and skips ads on Twitch and YouTube.
126 users
PJE Consulta Jurídica Fácil
Addon que auxilia pessoas físicas, jurídicas em geral, operadores do direito a acompanhar processo.
125 users Keyboard
Make moves on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> using your keyboard! Improves your chessboard vision skills, makes <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> website more accessible.
125 users
Library Genesis OpenSearch Engine
OpenSearch engine for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> with a theme responsive icon.
125 users
CleanLinks converts redirect links to normal links: - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ➠ <a href="/" rel="nofollow"></a> - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ➠ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> CleanLinks also removes tracking parameters (utm_*, etc.)
124 users
124 users
A Malayalam Editor
124 users
Tab Limiter
Limit the number of tabs a given window can have (i.e. set a maximum number of tabs on a per-window basis) and automatically open additional tabs in a different window.
124 users
Copy Markdown link
Copy a Markdown link. Available through the context menu or as a page action (the menu in the URL bar)
124 users
Cookie Profile Switcher
Store & Manage multiple cookie profiles per domain.
123 users
Middle Click On Page Closes Tab
Middle click on a page to close the current tab.
123 users
TSTのタブを閉じるボタンの挙動を - ツリーが開いていても閉じていても、左クリックでそのタブのみを閉じる - ホイールクリックでそのツリー内のタブを閉じる に変更します。 このアドオンは Tree Style Tab <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> がないと動作しません。
123 users
Copy text of element
Add 'Copy text of element' to the context menu.
123 users
AMP Browser Extension
The AMP Browser Extension accelerates web browsing by loading AMP or MIP versions of web pages and adding Save-Data request header.
123 users
Salesforce Credentials
Salesforce Credentials Manager
123 users
Delete Messenger Messages/Delete All Messages
Delete Messenger Messages/Delete All Messages - with this extension you can delete all your messenger messages in seconds! This version is compatible with last messenger version!
123 users
Web-page tools, increase user experience
122 users
Minimal Digital Clock
Adds minimal digital clock in Toolbar. This is a very simple add-on that displays the current time 'hhmm' in Toolbar.
122 users
Art Up Your Tab
Art Up Your Tab shows you an enticing, inspiring painting or photograph from the rich collection of Europeana with every new tab or browser window that you open.
122 users
Smartsheet DesktopApp DeepLink
Smartsheet Desktop App URL Redirect (Requires that the Smartsheet Desktop App is installed on your machine)
122 users
Youtube Tv Version For Firefox
Version 1.0.2 fixes errors that prevent the script from running.
122 users