Beanfun Bypass
繞過Beanfun網頁檢測,讓火狐也能正常啟動遊戲 必須先安裝Beanfun plugin <a rel="nofollow" href="">!Plugin_1.0.18.msi</a>
69 users
TF2 Advanced Trader
Helps with steam tradeoffers and backpack.
69 users
Auto Reload Page
Automatically reload web pages after a specified delay.
69 users
IMDb Search (Title)
Use the context menu (right click) to search on IMDb (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) any text from other websites. Search only on titles of film, movie.
69 users
Vtop Captcha Solver
Solve your vtop captchas automatically on Firefox now!
69 users
Colab Autorun and Connect
Automatically connect, reconnect and optionally run the first cell of notebooks in Google Colab.
69 users
Automates the process of filling up feedback form in ERP for IIT KGP students
69 users
Brook Feed Reader
The Brook Feed reader is a minimal feed reader that keeps subscriptions to your favorite sites close at hand.
68 users
Simple Bookmarks Tree
Simple Bookmarks Tree
68 users
LeetHub v2
Automatically integrate your Leetcode & GeeksforGeeks submissions to GitHub
68 users
This extension helps you download stuff from igg-games.
68 users
Download web page as PDF document
68 users
Acer VR Utility for WebVR (experimental)
With your Acer Windows Mixed Reality Headset, you can experience VR in Firfox browser just by clicking a link. The add-on only works with the Acer Windows Mixed Reality Headset. Please DO NOT install the add-on without the headset device!
68 users
Sort Bookmarks By Date
Sort bookmarks by date. The most recent ones appear at the top of the list.
68 users
WaniKani Kanji Highlighter
Unofficial kanji highlighter, matching kanji learned with WaniKani.
68 users
Runescape Wikia Redirect
Redirects the RS3 and OSRS wiki from the old wiki hosted on Wikia to the officially forked wiki hosted at and See <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
68 users
BMC TrueSight Real User Monitoring Enterprise
This Firefox extension enables enterprise deployment and monitoring of the enterprise SaaS applications.
68 users
All-Inclusive CRM
Наш Mozilla Firefox Plugin інтегрується з онлайн-кабінетами й пошуком усіх туроператорів України, Казахстану та країн Балтії
68 users
Basic automatic tabs unloader
Automatically unload tabs
68 users
Android SDK Search
Adds an 'ad' Awesome Bar command and view source links for the Android SDK.
68 users
Scroll a tab/page to the bottom, pause, scroll up to top, reload and repeat.
68 users
ExVTOP (Extended VTOP)
Easily see DA
68 users
RasTeck TTS Reader
Reads aloud the content of WebPages and PDF using the installed TTS engines of your operating systems. It can read a page from top to bottom. Reads from your last click, or read your selected text.
68 users
Gender Simplifier
An addon that removes german gender forms for better readability.
68 users
Muslim Prayer Times
Muslim prayer times in your city.
68 users