Image Downloader Pro Pic
Find and download images from any web pages. Filter or select all at once to bulk download.
8 users
Latest AP News Videos
See the latest and most popular AP News Videos View the Latest AP News (The Associated Press) Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Addon uses 3rd party site (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) for operation.
8 users
YT Better Speedslider
Changes the YouTube 'Custom Speed Slider' to accept up to 4x speed. Allows for 4x video speed on Youtube
8 users
Youtube Media Buttons Fix
Naprawia klawisze multimedialne na youtube.
8 users
Kitware File Viewers
Open any file URL (link or text) with Kitware online viewers such as Glance, VolView or with desktop 3D Slicer with a right click.
8 users
Simple image alt viewer
Right click an image to see the alt, then click on the alt to copy it.
8 users
YouTube Summarizer
Summarize YouTube videos with AI. Requires either OpenAI or Anthropic API key.
8 users
Adds a next button to uflix series
8 users
"Anna'sArchive: Goodreads, Amazon"
Allows for quick searching of goodread books or amazon in Anna's Archive
8 users
Object Finder AI
Find object names in the picture using AI.
8 users
YouTube Ad Fast-skipper
YouTube Ad Fast-skipper is an extension that auto skips Youtube ads. It does not block ads. It also adds keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+F/S for accelerating/slowing down the video play back by 0.25 (minimum playbackrate is 0.25)
8 users
YouTube Embed Link Modifier
Modifies YouTube links to embed before the page is opened.
8 users
Threads Video Downloader
Download photos and videos from Threads quickly and easily!
8 users
Open YouTube videos in a separate window
8 users
允许您使用 Hannah 从浏览器中调起外部第三方音乐播放器欣赏网络音乐
8 users
Reddit Downloader
Download Reddit posts with ease!
8 users Listen Links
Verlinkt Listen auf <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> standardmäßig auf die Übersichtsseiten und fügt Links zu den Bearbeiten-Seiten hinzu.
8 users
豆瓣相册自动翻页。 这是第一版,仅仅实现了在自动翻页(自动开始,间隔5秒)和暂停(按s键)。 作用就是在看一个包含好几百张的照片的相册时不用一张一张一直点。 如果要禁用,请前往浏览器扩展界面,禁用此扩展。
8 users
Bubble shooter apples
Have some fun time playing Bubble shooter apples
8 users
Niconico VOM Player
8 users
RARBG thumbnails Public V.
Display thumbnails automaticly on RARBG <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
8 users
8 users
PietSmiet Reactions YouTube
Adds a textbox underneath the YouTube player so see if a PietSmiet reaction exists to this video.
8 users
Reverts Youtube shorts to regular videos
8 users
Auto skip intro in Netflix
8 users