Multi Subsitles Youtube
Display as many subtitles as you like. Different languages, translated, auto-generated. NO dependence on any third-party server.
525 users
Video converter online VideoConvertPlus
Video converter online for MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV, OGG, WMV, DVD and animated-GIF video formats
522 users
Mute YouTube ads
Mutes any <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> tab when it detects video ads on it. Unmutes the tab when the ads are gone. Backs out on tabs where you manually change the muted state of the tab.
521 users
PDF to JPG Converter
Convert PDF documents to high-quality JPG/JPEG images
521 users
Video Roll
Video Roll 是一个帮助你旋转、缩放、移动、调整比例、镜像翻转、截图、调节音调、音量、倍速、专注和滤镜任意网页中HTML5视频的浏览器插件。在大部分网站上都表现出色(Youtube™/Bilibili/Vimeo/TikTok/Twitter 等),支持iframe探测,支持自定义快捷键。我们提供了超棒的记忆功能,帮助你一下次进入网站直接生效。
520 users
ThemeSong for YouTube Music™ (Dynamic Themes)
Enhancer for YouTube Music™. Dynamic Themes, Visualizers, Lyrics, Sleep Timer, and more!
520 users
動画サイトのTverの動画ダウンローダです。ブラウザで動画を再生するとGYAOの動画をダウンロードできるコマンドをテキストファイルに書き出すので、 コピーしてコマンドプロンプトに貼り付ければ落とせます。
517 users
All-In-One Video Downloader Pro 2023
All-In-One Video Downloader Pro 2023 By YouTube Downloader TikTok Downloader Instagram Downloader Twitter Downloader
517 users
Mute Site
Allows to instantly mute/unmute all tabs from a website.
516 users
Youtube repeat, speed up HTML5 video
Repeat, speed up, slow down Youtube and any HTML5 video. Create a loop with accuracy to milliseconds. Create mixed playlists.
516 users
HDrezka Helper
Downloads movies and subtitles. Supports mirrors.
514 users
Easy Screenshot - a Web Clipper
Easy Screenshot is an easy-to-use visual part, the entire page, or a selective screen capturing tool.
513 users
Discogs Search
Use the context menu (right click) to search on Discogs (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) any text from other websites.
510 users
Twitter Video Downloader
Twitter Video Download tool that allows you to save Twitter HD videos in mp4 and GIF format.
508 users
Simple Youtube Repeater
Simply click the repeat button to make the video automatically repeat. Works both with the newest HTML5 Player(version 2) and the old Flash Player(version 1).
508 users Pitch control for YouTube
Slow down and speed up videos directly on YouTube like you would on a turntable.
506 users
An in-browser internet radio client with no ads, unlimited skips, and song downloads.
506 users
The official Firefox extension of YoutubeDL-Material, an open-source and self-hosted YouTube downloader.
500 users
Лучшие онлайн радио - The Radio
Тысячи онлайн радиостанций с уникальным механизмом подбора радио именно на Ваш вкус. Долгие поиски радиостанций больше не нужны!
494 users
Mercator Studio for Google Meet
Change how you look on Google Meet with adjustable exposure, blur, vignette, and more!
492 users
Easy Image Downloader
Easy to use and powerful image downloader for your browser
491 users
Facebook Video Controls
Enable video controls on Facebook reels and stories
489 users
La note SensCritique est une boussole pour arrêter de perdre votre temps, et s’invite sur Netflix, Prime Video et Disney+ pour vous permettre de choisir de manière éclairée vos programmes.
489 users
487 users
Download Vidme Video
1-Click to download any <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> video.
486 users