527 users
sprint - Ускорение YouTube
Увеличение скорости загрузки видео YouTube
527 users
HDrezka Helper
Downloads movies and subtitles. Supports mirrors.
523 users
500px save
Enables right click for images on 500px Please use keyboard arrow keys for navigation in gallery mode. Special thanks to all users who provide valuable feedback and appreciation!
522 users
Speaker Booster
Very simple and minimal add-on that boosts up the volume.
521 users
Youtube repeat, speed up HTML5 video
Repeat, speed up, slow down Youtube and any HTML5 video. Create a loop with accuracy to milliseconds. Create mixed playlists.
521 users
Instill Screencast Recording
Screen recording extension for Instill.io, the visual documentation tool for teams. Easily create animations and videos to document what your team needs to get work done. Describe processes, best practices, work achieved, and more.
521 users
Multi Subsitles Youtube
Display as many subtitles as you like. Different languages, translated, auto-generated. NO dependence on any third-party server.
519 users
PDF to JPG Converter
Convert PDF documents to high-quality JPG/JPEG images
519 users
Easy Screenshot - a Web Clipper
Easy Screenshot is an easy-to-use visual part, the entire page, or a selective screen capturing tool.
516 users
MS Edge TTS (Text to Speech)
MS Edge TTS Extension (Text to Speech)
515 users
Keep you informed of the recent livestreams of members from Hololive.
514 users
Universal downloader
Download most html5 media on most web pages
513 users
Youtube download video PointMp4
Add a button to Youtube video directly, allowing you to download it's content as mp4 file instantly using www.pointmp4.com. And access your videos from any device and offline !
512 users
Youtube to Mp3 Converter by ConverterBear.online
Adds a lightweight button below YouTube videos. This button converts the corresponding video of youtube to mp3 instantly when clicked! This is the fastest solution for youtube to mp3 converter.
510 users
Twitter Video Downloader
Twitter Video Download tool that allows you to save Twitter HD videos in mp4 and GIF format.
509 users
Transcript Downloader - Evo
Copy transcripts from youtube videos to the clipboard and developer console Adapted from <a>Youtube Transcript Downloader</a>
508 users
Adblock for YouTube™ — adblocker
Privacy aware, secure Adblock for YouTube™. Blocks any ads on YouTube.com.
507 users
Video converter online VideoConvertPlus
Video converter online for MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV, OGG, WMV, DVD and animated-GIF video formats
506 users
An in-browser internet radio client with no ads, unlimited skips, and song downloads.
504 users
All-In-One Video Downloader Pro 2023
All-In-One Video Downloader Pro 2023 By ImFullStack.dev YouTube Downloader TikTok Downloader Instagram Downloader Twitter Downloader
501 users
Simple Youtube Repeater
Simply click the repeat button to make the video automatically repeat. Works both with the newest HTML5 Player(version 2) and the old Flash Player(version 1).
501 users
The official Firefox extension of YoutubeDL-Material, an open-source and self-hosted YouTube downloader.
500 users
La note SensCritique est une boussole pour arrêter de perdre votre temps, et s’invite sur Netflix, Prime Video et Disney+ pour vous permettre de choisir de manière éclairée vos programmes.
497 users
Discogs Search
Use the context menu (right click) to search on Discogs (discogs.com) any text from other websites.
494 users