Adskipper for YouTube™
Features: - Allows you to block and skip ads on Youtube. - Allows you to block annotations on Youtube. - Faster loadtimes of Youtube.
14 users
Bookmark Player
Adds a playlist functionality to Firefox bookmarks. To do so it iterates through the links in a chosen top-level bookmark folder and waits for the song in each link to finish before switching to the next link.
14 users
KIT Ilias Videoplayer
Wenn man im Ilias des KITs auf einer Videoseite ist, öffnet sich bei klicken des Toolbar Buttons das Video in einem extra Tab und kann mit dem standard HTML5 Videoplayer geschaut werden.
14 users
Level-up your track hunting on Bandcamp. Stream and preview tracks, add and edit songs, create and organise custom playlists.
14 users
Send a m3u containing the active URL
14 users
Nicer Media Pages
More pleasing look for Firefox media pages.
14 users
Surf Without Login for Quora
Remove sign in box automatically that forces you to sign in. And surf Quora without sign in
14 users
ReviewTube - Amazon video review
View video reviews directly on <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
14 users
Pixiv Quick Open Unfavorited
Opens all unfavorited illustrations up to the last favorited illustration.
14 users
Gallery Control
View next/previous image in a sequence with tap, click, or keyboard.
14 users
Fill Screen for Plex
Zooms the video in to make it cover the entire screen and remove black bars without stretching on Plex.
14 users
Better Youtube Plus
Better Youtube + works to improve the Youtube experience.
14 users
YT Nothing PersonADS
Skip YouTube ads without being revealed!
14 users
14 users
PNG Transparency Checker
A browser extension that checks if an image is a true PNG with a transparent background. Right-click on any image to verify its transparency. Ideal for web developers, designers, and anyone working with images.
14 users
퀵이봤 - SLIVE 임베드 도우미
퀵뷰 등 SLIVE 로그인을 임베드된 플레이어에서 사용할 수 있도록 합니다.
14 users
YouTube Auto
Automatically Like and Subscribe from YouTube!
14 users
Chan Imageboard Video FPS
View the fps of webms/videos on imageboards such as <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.
14 users
Онлайн радіостанції України
Онлайн трансляції українських FM станцій. Українські радіостанції ФМ через інтернет, прямий ефір радіо.
14 users
Notes For VIdeos
this extention can see if you have a youtube or vimeo URL or embedded video player of youtube or vimeo in the site you're on and with CTRL+SHIFT+Y you can open a note that will be saved on the timeline of the video you currently on
14 users
An image/stream viewer extension by NVIDIA!
14 users
Faust Video Downloader
Download videos from webpages
14 users
#NowPlaying for Google Play Music
Share music playing on Youtube Music to SNS. ## Supported SNS - Twitter
14 users
Now hostelites of CUFE won't have to download Youtube video they want to see online after permissible hours. Click on the plugin when on a youtube page and wait, voila!! you will have your video streaming. Also start downloading from it.
14 users
Whenever the mouse hovers over an image, bring it into front plan for a better inspection
14 users