Web Search Navigator
Boost your searching productivity with Web Search Navigator! Adds keyboard shortcuts to navigate within Google Search results.
1,088 users
Gemini in Sidebar
Displays Gemini in the sidebar, provides customizable keyboard shortcut and toggle button.
1,079 users
Google Australia (google.com.au) Search
Add <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c2d162d32acb1f6f669cc996d7b06df9d1ed7b7d7eb4ff2ebcf845215b8ffad6/http%3A//google.com.au" rel="nofollow">google.com.au</a> to your search engines (including search suggestions from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c2d162d32acb1f6f669cc996d7b06df9d1ed7b7d7eb4ff2ebcf845215b8ffad6/http%3A//google.com.au" rel="nofollow">google.com.au</a>). Not an official Google add-on.
1,076 users
View image in Google Images
Restores the "View Image" and "Search by Image" buttons in Google Images.
1,073 users
Yandex search image
Контекстное меню для поиска картинок на Yandex
1,068 users
APKCombo - APK Downloader for Firefox
Download APK from Google Play Store (Latest Version, Original APK)
1,062 users
Bing to Google
This extension redirects Bing’s searches to Google. Bing to Google combined with Edge deflector (<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5333c342e35f705711873602d0ac5116ac9711a9a64f6927897b8f39af4071fd/https%3A//github.com/da2x/EdgeDeflector">https://github.com/da2x/EdgeDeflector</a>) lets you search through cortana tool bar with Google instead of Bing.
1,059 users
Marktplaats zonder spam
Deze extensie verwijdert alles wat je niet wilt zien (van de zoekresultaten) op marktplaats. Hiernaast verwijdert de extensie alle reclame en worden wit-ruimtes verkleind zodat er meer advertenties op het scherm passen.
1,054 users
Bing Homepage and Search Engine
Set Bing as your default homepage and search engine
1,051 users
1,049 users
Yandex Translate (all languages)
Lets you translate between any languages supported by Yandex Translate from the Firefox address bar. Use the 'yt' keyword, then the two-letter code for each language, and finally the words you want to translate, e.g. 'yt en es hello friend'.
1,049 users
Restore Old Roblox Server List
Restores the old roblox server list & allows searching of User ID's in games
1,047 users
Symbaloo Homepage and Search
Symbaloo Extension for setting Symbaloo as the Homepage in your FireFox Browser. With Symbaloo you surf with one click to all of your favorite websites.
1,046 users
Gemini for Google
A browser extension to display Gemini (Google's AI model, currently free) response alongside Google and other search engines results. Supported Search Engines: Google, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Brave, Yahoo, Naver, Yand
1,043 users
AuctionStealer Snipe Tool
Places a Snipe button on eBay auction pages. When clicked, the item will be added to our website to be bid on in the final seconds.
1,035 users
アマゾン(Amazon.co.jp)の注文履歴を月別表示したり、月別もしくは通年の領収書をまとめて表示・印刷したりできるようになります。 確定申告でKindleを始めとするデジタルコンテンツの領収書が必要なとき等に使える、かも知れません。
1,033 users
Gossip Site Blocker
Hide harmful sites from Google search results.
1,026 users
Debrid Media Manager
Add accessible DMM buttons to IMDB, MDBList, AniDB, TraktTV, and Bittorrent sites with magnet links
1,025 users
ChatGPT-4 for Google & AI Image Generator
ChatGPT for Google, Bing includes AI Image Generator. Chat with ChatGPT when you search🔍 and Generate AI images.🖼️
1,017 users
Mangools SEO extension
Speed up your SEO right in your browser: See the key SEO metrics, popularity trends, competitor's keywords, backlinks and on-page SEO insights of any domain or URL. Have the power of Mangools SEO package any time you need.
1,017 users
SQLite Viewer
A tabular SQLite viewer and editor that supports opening of multiple databases
1,013 users
Search Site WE
Search within the current subdomain or within the entire domain, using the toolbar button or context menu.
1,013 users
Painlessly merge a series of web pages into one.
983 users
Multi-Keywords Highlighter
Highlights given keywords on any web page you visit.
967 users
Startpage Search — Dark Theme
Adds <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d5d881a6438b9e63d4735758c8cdc0c563bf4610541b68a298570802755fd062/http%3A//Startpage.com" rel="nofollow">Startpage.com</a> as a search engine, using the Dark theme.Adds <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d5d881a6438b9e63d4735758c8cdc0c563bf4610541b68a298570802755fd062/http%3A//Startpage.com" rel="nofollow">Startpage.com</a> as a search engine, using the Dark theme.
955 users