To activate, type 'e' followed by space into the Omnibox. Then enter your term and press enter to submit.
95 users
Image Direct
Google recently removed the button to view the image source when using Google's image search. With this add-on you can directly view the image source when using google image search again.
95 users
Remove AI overviews from Google search pages
94 users
Letterboxd x Google
Adding a Letterboxd link next to imdb Google search results lol
94 users
Trufflepiggy - Context Search
The context menu search for all of us: quick, easy & customizable. Best in class group-search: find on multiple sites at once! Supports favicons, omnibox & Firefox Sync. Select from 1000+ user generated searches or add your own. Video inside ➡️
93 users
AliPrice price tracker for Alibaba
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/81875f85fe26aa1b826a26c233de7e54ffaea91dfe003fc52e5fb85b150e0ec4/http%3A//AliPrice.com" rel="nofollow">AliPrice.com</a> -- Your price tracker for Alibaba.
93 users
Qwant for you: the trustworthy search engine
Qwant becomes your default search engine! 🚀
93 users
Platan Click2Call
Aktywuje funkcję Click To Call. Kliknij numer na stronie www, by zadzwonić przez serwer Platan. Adres strony: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/99d0d1032ae239c0f9bf162466381680461b3f1e6ceb02dac1da28a20ed60a6c/http%3A//www.platan.pl" rel="nofollow">www.platan.pl</a>.
93 users
Image Lookup
Reverse image search with Google, TinEye, and Karma Decay
93 users
Ecosia Ad
Adds a yellow background to all ecosia ads
93 users
google redirect rewrite remover
Remove google tracking redirects from search results. This completely disables the function on desktop.
93 users
Orange page d'entrée et moteur
Cette extension déploie <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1a694a9b0eec63190c8879370befa3296b95f2d40b5f3560c9f8d20977137aa4/http%3A//orange.fr" rel="nofollow">orange.fr</a> comme page d'accueil et page de nouvel onglet, et comme moteur de recherche.
92 users
SiteStacks for Firefox - Instant Tech Lookup
SiteStacks lets you instantly look up the technology stack behind any website
92 users
Uniswap V3
Uniswap DEX Protocol For Creating Liquidity And Trading ETH Tokens
92 users
Bookmark tags
Adds tags to bookmarks. Improves search and more.
92 users
Youtube Tabs
Group and organize your Youtube subscriptions in the Youtube UI
92 users
Google Auto-Load
Load more results when scrolling
91 users
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/efe01850fca3e4ea134bfe5cd71737416e20ba19c2d2e3d36693c23974998ae4/http%3A//Rapids.pl" rel="nofollow">Rapids.pl</a> umożliwia pobieranie danych z wielu popularnych hostingów plików. Wtyczka <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/43c5360c7d6a4048c76532a794b46f46f3a6db77d040ebb5d759425bd673d0da/http%3A//rapids.pl" rel="nofollow">rapids.pl</a> ułatwia dodawanie linków do pobierania przez <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/43c5360c7d6a4048c76532a794b46f46f3a6db77d040ebb5d759425bd673d0da/http%3A//rapids.pl" rel="nofollow">rapids.pl</a> Wtyczka wykrywa automatycznie linki z hostingów obsługiwanych przez rapids.
91 users
Browser extension that filters out non-transparent images from search results
91 users
DuckDuckGo !bangs
Add DuckDuckGo bang buttons to search results and search links in the context menu.
91 users
Convert JSON into a Google Sheet, and vice versa. convert json data to csv and we can use csv file data to disply in excel sheets. in google sheets - open file - import data- Upload csv --impor data
90 users
AltText.ai: Alt text generator
Generate alt text for images using AI. Connects to your <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/cd1667e3e95c1c794fbae2024c5b79458d59ef06e14cabd17a7546eeb0597e38/http%3A//AltText.ai" rel="nofollow">AltText.ai</a> account.
90 users
Longdo Dict Menu
ส่วนขยายนี้ช่วยให้คุณสามารถค้นหาคำศัพท์ได้ภายในไม่กี่วินาทีด้วยการคลุมคำที่ต้องการค้น และคลิกขวาแล้วคลิกที่ "ค้นคำด้วย Longdo Dict" เพียงเท่านี้คุณก็จะได้ความหมายของคำที่คุณต้องการจะค้นหาแล้ว
90 users
Python Search
Search engine for the latest Python3 documentations
90 users
PaperPop - Impact Factor & Ranking on Scholar Site
Display journal impact factors, categories, and rankings with one-click sorting and Excel export.
89 users