Reverse image search on Booru sites such as Danbooru, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/fa84097d5f48644ae35041b385c0a285e33f6ab37ad85c870254795fd2eba749/http%3A//yande.re" rel="nofollow">yande.re</a> and etc.
21 users
Kiosk Link Blocker
Kisok mode link blocker, prevent users visiting linked pages.
21 users
Aiveera Online Shopping Assistant
Aiveera 1-Click Price Comparison
21 users
Image Picker
Téléchargez toutes les images d'une page web
21 users
MindFlow - productivity, adhd, dyslexia
🦊 MindFlow An accessible browser extension for users with ADHD and dyslexia
21 users
Searchfox OpenSearch Engine
OpenSearch engine for <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/4a695b593a72b4f8f2356c36f3f726c602ea2bcd80d202eff6f61687a113198f/http%3A//searchfox.org" rel="nofollow">searchfox.org</a> with a theme responsive icon.
21 users
A browser extension that adds torrent search shortcuts to Letterboxd.
21 users
Archer - AI-powered math tutor
An AI-powered, teacher-controlled math tutor that uses machine learning to elevate students at all math levels and speeds.
21 users
Compare Text
This extension allows you to compare / diff text just in your browser! Free and Open Source
21 users
Comfortable Search
Фильтрует поисковую выдачу в Google и Yandex. Каждый фильтр может перенаправдять, удалять результаты поиска или менять цвет ссылок в них. Документация: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3c8cb4bc905624e50f7701df4ee4374678b76eac4cc22cee79bd455e642c8604/https%3A//github.com/MarisKori/ComfortableSearch/wiki" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/MarisKori/ComfortableSearch/wiki</a>
20 users
EXIFdata Viewer
EXIFdata Viewer is a powerful browser extension that allows you to view and analyze the metadata of images, including EXIF, IPTC, and XMP data. With this extension, you can uncover the hidden details of your images.
20 users
Ave Blacklist
Расширение для блокировки пользователей и объявлений на Авито (Avito)
20 users
Search Keys
Lets you go to search results by pressing the number of the search.
20 users
Sci-Hub | sci-hub.do (updated 09/03/2021)
Free access to academic papers with just a single click! Abolish publishers, long live the open access movement!
20 users
EZTV download series
EZTV browser extension, search for your favorite shows now with extension. fast and easy. You can save series to fav's list and you can download them with magnet/torrent links
20 users
20 users
Hacker News Discussion Button
Links to the Hacker News discussion for the current page. Preserves privacy.
20 users
Evernote Idea Saver
A Mozilla extension to save ideas directly to Evernote.
20 users
Subdomain Center
A.R.P. Syndicate's Subdomain Center Browser Extension downloads a list of subdomains for the website you're on.
20 users
YouTube Video Filter
Adds filters button on Youtube, above youtube home button, that can filter videos by different filters.
20 users
Meta AI in Sidebar
Displays Meta AI in the sidebar, provides customizable keyboard shortcut and toggle button.
20 users
Simple Site Blocker
A simple extension to quickly block or unblock any website to focus on what matters & save child from pornography!.
20 users
Legal Forms and Agreements
Legal forms, documents, wills and agreements tailored to the judicial system of your country. With this add-on you can select from over hundred of complex legal document template and tailor it to your needs - thus saving thousands on legal fees!
20 users
Online Bookmark Incremental Search for Firefox
This extension is a incremental search UI for online bookmarks(Google Bookmarks, Pinboard, etc.), You can find bookmarks quickly.
20 users