Tâi-gí Helper
This extension adds a context menu to your browser, with a few helpful tools for studying Taiwanese Hokkien.
16 users
Cve Searcher
Search a piece of highlighted text in either <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/58c79f7fb718437e6a80ee9e0d14ecc256119869628e1c78160f5834b2acfcbe/http%3A//nvd.nist.gov" rel="nofollow">nvd.nist.gov</a> or <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/989a41bbff4fbbf8f0e52f838747ce30143f532ce93064889df74d577ff1cbd3/http%3A//cve.mitre.org" rel="nofollow">cve.mitre.org</a>
16 users
FaucetBox Killer
هل تحب جمع البيتكوين عن طريق مواقع الحنفيات ؟! هل تجد ان هناك اعلانات ممله و وقت يجب عليك انتظاره للحصول على المكافئه ؟! اذا كل ما عليه فعله هو تجربه هذه الاضافه فقط لن تحتاج الى الانتظار للحصول على مكافئتك و لن تجبر على ايقاف مانع الاعلانات.
16 users
Office Tools
Quiker way to access office tools.
15 users
JS Bible Web-app
A jQuery Bible extension for your browser Firefox
15 users
Fortnite Stats
View the stats of any player of fortnite battle royale.
15 users
Highlight Every Where
Highlight Every Where all website by colors easy to find
15 users
Buscar con Google (MX)
Añadir '<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c0cee49048d6a49798b171d09cd77c178a12886bc2422ba14bb4a1808f1e11d7/http%3A//google.com.mx" rel="nofollow">google.com.mx</a>' a su buscador predeterminados (¡incluyendo sugerencias!).
15 users
Easily navigate the Metaverse.
15 users
Twitter Customiser
Customise what content appears in the Media tabs, List tabs and more when browsing Twitter!
15 users
Schwuurbel Such Erweiterung
Die neue Suchmaschine für alternative News, Medien und Blogs
15 users
Amazon Product Search and Shopping
Unofficial Amazon US product search and shopping extension! Search Amazon products directly from your Firefox search box (Omnibox).
15 users
Link Saver
An add-on to save important links or tabs while browsing the internet to use them further. It can save the link and even the whole tab, so that we can use those links and tabs according to our use. Content saved here, stays after the restart also.
15 users
Helps you switch between search engines quickly and easily.
15 users
Text to QR/Barcode Converter
This extraction helps to generate a QR code or barcode image based on the selected text.
15 users
Random button for movie lists and no more!
15 users
Save keywords floating over your head, for a later browsing collection. Keep keywords for later and browse them when you have time to. If you don't have enough time to check about something, memorize it in the box for a later review.
15 users
SEOZoomBar è uno strumento adatto a visualizzare su ogni pagina web i rendimenti delle URL utilizzando le metriche della SEO Suite SEOZoom.
15 users
Givero - Search the web to support charities
Transform your web searches into a force for good. 20 seconds is all it takes. This extension sets Givero as your default search engine.
15 users
VirusTotal Lookup
Search in VirusTotal
15 users
Letterboxd Util
leading you to sites that you can watch movies.
15 users
Support Moz (SUMO) Search
Add Mozilla Support to your search engine
15 users
Dragon Click
Dragon Click is able to recognize millions of products and give the consumer the instant opportunity to purchase or review alternatives at the click of a mouse or with the tap of a tablet pen on a touch screen.
15 users
URL Envy
Allows editing the URL Params in the sidebar of the page.
15 users
"I'm Feeling Ducky" (Unofficial)
Unofficial, open-source web extension that adds <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a918ef60e3cb44bf75f5ab030eaf8b7295f52606b2dd54496067696987c13741/http%3A//duckduckgo.com" rel="nofollow">duckduckgo.com</a>'s "I'm Feeling Ducky" feature as a search engine.
15 users