TF2 Item Context Search
Provides context menus to search for item stats on various sites.
10 users
Hylinker - Hyperlink among annotation & notes
Annotate text, images and videos. Link them as you think. Integrate with Note Apps.
10 users
First Mention
An extension to remind you who people are who were introduced earlier in an article
10 users
Haskell Stackage Inspector
Type >> to inspect stackage/hoogle
10 users
How did I get here? (Tab History)
Shows you the history of your current tab. Which tab did you use to open this tab? Don't remember? This is your add-on… **Attention:** Early prototype version!!
10 users
MangaDex Reddit Button
Adds a button to a <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> chapter pages that lets you easily search for the chapter to discuss it on r/manga.
10 users
Better Google search-results (remove icons & more)
Switch back to the "old" design of the Google search-results! Remove the small icons next to each result! Put the URLs back below the titles!
10 users
ChatGPT Status Notifier
A Firefox add-on that lets you know when ChatGPT has finished typing.
10 users
IMDb to TorrentGalaxy
Search TorrentGalaxy for IMDb movie or TV show and sort by number of seeders.
10 users Search
Search for the selected text in <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'s dictionary.
10 users
Naver Endic Autocomplete (Unofficial)
네이버 영어사전 자동완성 목록을 보여줍니다
10 users
Type "r/ subreddit" to quickly go to that subreddit.
10 users
Quick Peek for Firefox
Quick Peek at links without leaving your current tab.
10 users
Swiggle child-friendly search engine from the Online Safety experts at SWGfL. Swiggle will be set as your default search engine. Click the Swiggle icon to report an inappropriate page to us, once reviewed we can remove the page from searches.
10 users
Link Creator
Open selected URIs, URLs, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and links.
10 users
Sci-Hub-It by Aristotle v0.2.1
Download academic papers via Sci-Hub, using either a link or a highlighted DOI.
10 users
NFL nofollowLink
Highlights links and color them differently according to nofollow or not status. The icons in the search bar allow you to enable or disable the extension
10 users
Inputter is a lightweight extension, that let's you easily focus the first input field of a website with Crtl+Shift+L.
10 users
eTools Search (Unofficial)
Unofficial, open-source web extension that adds <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> as a search engine to the Firefox browser. Please review eTools' privacy policy: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
10 users
Aion Shop Filter items
Filter im Aion Shop (gehostet von Gameforge) nach Gegenständen, die dir lieb sind. Scrolle nicht mehr hoch und runter, sondern finde direkt dein gewünschten Gegenstand.
10 users
This add-on adds an "emoji" keyword search to the location bar, which will allow you to quickly copy/paste emojis, or get more information about them at Emojipedia.
10 users
Games Search
Search free games you can play in your webbrowser
10 users
BINGO! Search
While browsing the web site, you can search on your favorite search engine at any time. In addition, select the search you want to text on the web page, it is also possible to quickly search from the right-click.
10 users