Check It Out
Used on eBay or Amazon, we'll remind you when you are not buying directly from the manufacturer or a retailer you know and trust.
27 users
МТС Cashback
МТС Cashback - шопинг с кэшбэком до 50% Активируйте кэшбэк прямо со страницы интернет-магазина.
27 users
Mais barato! Livrarias portuguesas
Mostra os preços de outras livrarias
27 users
Ticket reserver
An extension for reserving tickets in
27 users
Glass It Price Tracker
Price history tracker does price tracking without invading your privacy. Glass It price tracker is powered by Web Engineers. Helps find discounts, verify deals & shop when the price drops. Monitor competitor prices & stock changes. Custom dashboard.
27 users
Cheap Flights and Hotels
Search cheap flights, hotels and rent a car worldwide. Kick out the travel agencies.
27 users
Property Mate
Property Search, Simplified. Uncover hidden property prices with a single click.
27 users
eBay Seller Location
Add's the seller's real account location to classical eBay item pages.
27 users
Προβλήθηκε για
Δες αν έχεις επισκεφτεί ξανά κάποιο προϊόν στο παρελθόν, στο <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
26 users
Amazon Prime Filter
Filter your Amazon searches for Amazon Prime products.
26 users
Recherche Amazon France
Le widget de recherche vous permet d'intégrer un champ de recherche sur votre navigateur mobile ou de bureau et pour rechercher le texte sélectionné sur Amazon
26 users
Wise - Send Money
Transfer money abroad easily, quickly and safely.
26 users
An Wanchain Wallet in your Browser
26 users
eBay Actual Sold Price
See the actual sold price of an item on eBay when an offer was accepted. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
26 users ilan geçmişleri
Emlak, araba-otomobil ilanlarının fiyat geçmişini, başlık-km gibi bilgi değişikliklerini görebileceğiniz tek uygulamadır.
26 users
Amazon delivery check Addon
This addon checks if Amazon delivers to your country, from the search page.
25 users
Search by image for eBay
It's a price tracker for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
25 users
Shopify Website Audit
#1 Shopify Explorer Tool - "A Marketer's Swiss Army Knife" ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ PACKED with a Variety of Features: + Shopify Table Explorer + Products, Collections, Pages, Blogs + Technology on Site + Google Page Speed Scores
25 users
PriceLasso: Intelligent Price Tracker
PriceLasso lets you track prices on Amazon, Walmart, Costco and more with intelligent price drop alerts and price history charts.
25 users
KickBack fra Santander knappen
KickBack fra Santander gir deg penger tilbake på din netthandel i over 250 butikker i Norge og utland.
25 users
BestPriceOn: Compare and Buy
BestPriceOn is a price comparison website that provides you with a catalog of products that display the lowest price of the product from various merchants available on e-retailers like Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal.
25 users
自动领券、比价、比一比——货比三家不吃亏 浏览商品页面时,自动显示历史价格、比较同款商品、提供隐藏优惠券,主流商城都支持。
25 users
Официальное расширение для браузеров от сервиса <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, которое позволяет легко получать товары прямо со страниц сайтов!
25 users
GiroLive Internet-Toolbar
Nutzen Sie die GiroLive Internet-Toolbar, um beim Online-Shopping direkt in Ihren Shops vom GiroLive-Portal zu profitieren und keine Rabatte zu verpassen. Das Login über das GiroLive-Portal entfällt damit.
25 users
Lembrador - Km de Vantagens
Descubra quais parcerias fazem parte do programa Km de Vantagens.
25 users