Audio Only for YouTube™
Listen to audio (no video) in YouTube and all embedded videos.
1,460 users
View Page Source (Mobile)
Adds the ability to open the page source in a new tab via button (Desktop) or menu (Firefox for Android).
1,449 users
Close Tabs Shortcuts
Adds keyboard shortcuts for closing all not active tabs, all to the left of the active one, all to the right
1,444 users
Print Preview
This add-on works by showing a preview before printing. That can be done by clicking the button on the toolbar or shortcut keys.
1,443 users
TST Colored Tabs
Colorize each tab in Tree Style Tab sidebar based on domain.
1,436 users
Easy-to-use and powerful translator for your browser.
1,433 users
Switch Container
Allows to switch the current tab to a different container.
1,431 users
Open Image In New Tab
Adds a context menu item to open images embedded in a website on their own in a new tab.
1,427 users
Tab Mover
Move tabs between windows via the context menu.
1,423 users
Custom UserAgent String
Add a custom useragent string for desired URLs or domains.
1,399 users
Right Links WE
This extension allows to open links in new tabs with right-click directly and using “long” left-click. This is very useful for touchpads on notebooks and for mice without middle button.
1,370 users
Transkriptor: Transcribe Audio to Text
Transkriptor, a browser extension powered by AI, revolutionizes transcription by making it fast, efficient, and user-friendly. Developed by expert engineers, it simplifies converting audio to text directly in your browser without extra software.
1,365 users
Duplicate Tab
Duplicates the current tab from keyboard shortcuts or when you click the icon Source, issues: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1,347 users
Outlook Opener
Opens <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> after clicking on it. Does nothing else.
1,331 users
Private Begone
Disables private browsing.
1,304 users
Tab Slideshow WE
Slideshow at tabs.
1,302 users
Word Counter
A lite tool for counting characters and words via context-menu
1,299 users
Focus On Left Tab After Closing
When a current tab is closed, the left tab (or the right tab on RTL environments) will be activated.
1,257 users
Send to VLC (VideoLAN) player
Send streamable media from current tab to VLC (VideoLAN) media player
1,236 users
Proxy Switcher
Easily switch between multiple proxies via toolbar popup
1,235 users
Open Link in New Tab
Open Link in New Tab help you change default how a link opened - in current tab or in new tab. Compatible with new Firefox Quantum 57
1,232 users nieuws, weer, verkeer en meer
Voeg <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> toe aan je browser en heb direct toegang tot het laatste nieuws, weer, voordeel, spelletjes en leuke verhalen.
1,209 users
Tabsbook визуальные закладки
Tabsbook - экспресс-панель (Speed Dial) и ваши закладки в облаке, доступные с любого устройства и браузера. Бережно храним дорогие вам ссылки.
1,188 users
Onion Browser Button
Easily browse the internet using TOR proxy with just one click!
1,186 users