Gmail shortcut
Adds a direct shortcut to Gmail to be opened in an active tab.
17 users
Open With Vivaldi Browser
Open With Vivaldi Browser sends pages from Mozilla Firefox to Vivaldi browser.
17 users
Contao CMS - Backend jumper
This extension for Mozilla Firefox allows you to jump into the Contao CMS backend with just one click. You don't have to edit the URL manually and append /contao/index.php. F8 opens the Backend in the current tab, ALT+F8 opens it in a new tab.
17 users
Copy Link Title (WebExtensions)
Copy the title of the link.
17 users
Focus a tab with window.focusTab() function
17 users
Export Tabs URLs (Containers)
List the URLs of all the open tabs and copy that list to clipboard or export it to a file. Features: android, firefox container, include titles, custom format (e.g. markdown, html…), filter tabs, limit to current window, ignore pinned tabs
17 users
Keyboard Oriented Tab Manager
Keyboard oriented tab (group) manager. By entering a command in omnibox (address bar, location bar), tabs that match the conditions are displayed or hidden to group multiple tabs in a pseudo manner.
17 users
New Tab Page Container
Choose identity on new tab page and edit it.
17 users
PageDash Web Clipper
PageDash is your digital web scrapbook that saves your HTML pages to the PageDash cloud. You will thus need to first sign up for an account at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. A free account gets you 30MB of uploads per month. Save web pages with just one click!
17 users
Window Image Downloader
Download pictures from multiple pages at once
17 users
Мои закладки
Храните все ваши закладки на <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. Быстрый доступ из любого браузера
17 users
Surf Clock
Keep track of the time you spend surfing on the web.
17 users
Manage your bookmarks easily!
17 users
修复 TIM 打开卡片分享链接(时的 403 错误。
17 users
Josh Hutcherson Jumpscare
1 in 20 chance of a new tab opening up the amazing Josh Hutcherson Jumpscare
17 users
Re-host to imgur
Add a context menu option to images to re-host them to Imgur
17 users
MSN to Outlook Redirect
Redirects MSN URL to Outlook login page.
17 users
uyou 新标签页
17 users
Stereo/Mono switch for audio Volume Boost up to 600%
17 users
G-Meet Auto Join
Automatically join G-Meet meetings !
17 users
Extension to skip Youtube video Ads.
17 users
Magister Auto-Login
Auto-Login for Magister 6 webapp.
17 users
ConvertoPDF new tab
ConvertoPDF allows you to view, edit, convert and create PDFs online, plus get direct access to yahoo web search on your new tab page.
17 users
Raz dziennie otwiera stronę <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
16 users
Backup and restore tabs.
16 users