Kobo Price
Find lowest book price on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1620e40248991db0634dab25c2661456faa048ad2983e8a8bc772a21d76b86f4/http%3A//kobo.com" rel="nofollow">kobo.com</a> <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c9040b8d71dd1271797fc7cb6834aac186c738643699dee02ee1c93fdfebcb47/https%3A//github.com/fotonmoton/koboprice%3Ftab=readme-ov-file%23dollar-kobo-price" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/fotonmoton/koboprice?tab=readme-ov-file#dollar-kobo-price</a>
10 users
Taobao extension
Capability to extract order information from taobao and display in CSV format for external use
10 users
ZenNotes is a versatile note-taking extension for Firefox. Capture thoughts, ideas, and research effortlessly. Organize with colors, priorities, and categories. Features dark/light themes, side panel support, and a fast, sophisticated search.
10 users
Shopping Cart Share
Shopping Cart Share extension lets you compile carts from different stores like Amazon, Bestbuy, and more into one simple cart. With a click, you can share this cart and have others import it to their own account or simply save it for later use.
10 users
LeBonCoin Motor
Analyse les annonces voitures, motos, caravaning, utilitaires, nautisme du site leboncoin.fr. Propose 5 sortes de graphiques pour analyser le marché.
10 users
Is In Stock
Is In Stock is your ultimate shopping superpower.
9 users
Gate.io USDT Fee Tracker
Extension for <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/faedec8e1c4e5b20a6b6427455dfe0610fc8296cc102fac336145fc18348b9ef/http%3A//gate.io" rel="nofollow">gate.io</a> withdrawal page.Maximize your <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/da1bf3006300aea7c522c44a0cb29dc6c7eb8504cdd3ad703dd7d7452a0631d0/http%3A//Gate.io" rel="nofollow">Gate.io</a> experience with our '<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/da1bf3006300aea7c522c44a0cb29dc6c7eb8504cdd3ad703dd7d7452a0631d0/http%3A//Gate.io" rel="nofollow">Gate.io</a> USDT Fee Tracker' extension. It calculates your transaction fees in USDT instantly. A must-have tool for effective crypto management on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/da1bf3006300aea7c522c44a0cb29dc6c7eb8504cdd3ad703dd7d7452a0631d0/http%3A//Gate.io" rel="nofollow">Gate.io</a>.
9 users
Summarised deals, coupons and cashbacks from ChoiceCheapies
9 users
Alibaba Container
Isolate your activity on Alibaba-owned platforms (Alibaba, Aliexpress, 1688, and more) from the rest of your web activity.
9 users
Pause - Stop Impulse Shopping
Pause makes you think twice about shopping whenever you visit Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, or any other online store. Pause will block you from the website for 30 seconds so you can really decide if you want to spend money right now.
9 users
Total des comptes au CreditMutuel
Ajoute un bouton pour calculer la somme des comptes sur la page des comptes du site Crédit Mutuel.
9 users
Get Raiven. Get savin'. Never miss a better option while purchasing online by checking your unique pricing and product availability while you shop online.
9 users
Refermate Anywhere
Refer and earn commission, or shop and earn cash back. Choose from over 30,000 of your favorite online stores.
9 users
H2Home Extension
Extension for H2Home Platform. It allows to easily add products to your lists on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/e898e809cddb9c58af6f2bea97aa43421eab245a1d57bc22353eb001aaa221b0/http%3A//h2home.pl" rel="nofollow">h2home.pl</a>
9 users
Cherry Pick - Maximize Credit Card Rewards
Find the best card in your wallet for every purchase
9 users
OnlineShoppingTools - Automatic Coupons
Save money and earn rewards when you shop online.
8 users
Real Estate Buddy
Find your perfect home...faster! Real Estate Buddy calculates your future mortgage repayments in your browser while looking at properties for sale on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d9d178ac66f24b5018ce1d51c1ba5ba8825908813f290b8b85e5b394e389e2cf/http%3A//realestate.com.au" rel="nofollow">realestate.com.au</a> , <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f8a089fd8a3d7c8fd4757f08870e5c4f4f668263fd1e987901edaad88232e607/http%3A//domain.com.au" rel="nofollow">domain.com.au</a>, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/87083674cc71b1baf62cc68acc15d60d1c1a802981ddd71e40ee57464310aa45/http%3A//zillow.com" rel="nofollow">zillow.com</a> or <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/584cd79edeff82a0b071e2486ba702f38b7006767a4001436cf7184ba1c0a0b2/http%3A//trulia.com" rel="nofollow">trulia.com</a> .
8 users
steam market csv
Creates a csv file from a steam market item
8 users
CouponFeature Coupon Finder
CouponFeature automatically finds the best coupons & discount codes as you shop online.
8 users
Maximize cashback on your favorite stores and unlock exclusive offers on financial products — all in one powerful browser extension.
8 users
Filter favorites
Filter your favorites on Vinted by size, availability, price and search term and sort by price. This addon is not affiliated with Vinted and I take no responsibility for the use of this addon.
8 users
URL Original
Protects users against website impersonation and phishing, ensuring safe browsing and personal data protection.
8 users
Free URL Shortener
A quick and convenient tool for generating short links.
7 users
Bandcamp Stock Count
Shows stock information for merch items on Bandcamp pages
7 users