PAYBACK Internet Assistent (PIA)
Mit PIA nie mehr °Punkte verpassen - Jetzt installieren und °Punktekonto füllen.
5,343 users
Qantas Shopping Points-Prompter
Browser extension for Qantas Shopping
4,914 users
SakuraCheckerPlus ( Amazon )の商品検索結果ページにマーケットプレイス業者を除き絞り込むボタンと商品掲載ページから選択したサイト(サクラチェッカー,Keepa)を新たなタブに表示するボタンを追加する。
4,737 users
Color by Fardos - Color Picker
Pick colors from websites, save colors & gradients, get matching shades and tints and create beautiful gradients.
4,731 users
The Cashrewards Notifier is the ultimate shopping companion. Download and receive alerts on cashback savings every time you shop online at over 2000 stores.
4,452 users
KeepSolid VPN Unlimited
VPN Unlimited - reliable, easy-to-use, and lightning-fast VPN extension for Firefox browser
4,373 users ❤ podaruj darowiznę od zakupów online
Pomagaj bezpłatnie przy okazji zakupów w internecie! Gdy robisz zakupy na stronie sklepu internetowego, który jest Partnerem <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - rozszerzenie wyświetli komunikat przypominający o Aktywacji darowizny oraz wartości darowizny w danym sklepie.
4,045 users
Allkeyshop - Compare Game Prices
Shows you the best deals available while you're surfing on the web
3,931 users
Tipli do prohlížeče
Tipli do prohlížeče vás vždy upozorní, když budete moci získat peníze zpět z nákupu.
3,768 users
Aeroplan Shopping Button
Aeroplan Shopping Button
3,736 users
BigGo歷史價格 購物幫手
3,475 users
Pepper | Shopping with Savings
Don’t look for discounts anymore! Pepper finds the best ones for you.
3,438 users
Amazon Container
Amazon Container isolates your Amazon activity from the rest of your web activity in order to prevent Amazon from tracking you outside of the Amazon ecosystem via third party cookies.
3,413 users Cashback
Cashback with high rates, current promotions, coupons, and discount codes. (High cashback with current promotions, coupons and discount codes.)
3,137 users
EuroSaver - Amazon Product Price Comparison
Compare European Amazon prices in seconds.
2,890 users
QR Code
Generate QR Code from page URLs, link URLs, selected strings, clipboard strings, and page titles. Read the QR code from the image and decode it.
2,878 users
Dealabs | Économisez sur vos achats en ligne
Ne cherchez plus de réductions ! Dealabs trouve les meilleures pour vous.
2,839 users
Easy Auto Refresh
Auto-refresh and auto-reload pages after any number of seconds.
2,615 users
goodie cashback
Uzyskaj cashback za zakupy online z goodie
2,589 users
Alby - Bitcoin Lightning Wallet & Nostr
Your Bitcoin Lightning wallet and companion for accessing Bitcoin and Nostr apps, payments across the globe and passwordless logins.
2,481 users
Ratepunk - Compare Hotel Rates
Make less effort searching for the best hotel deals.
2,138 users
SimplyCodes: Coupons Codes & Rewards
Working coupon codes wherever you shop. Cash-back wherever you shop. Chances to win thousands in rewards.
2,082 users
Rakuten Cashback: Browser Extension
Shop as you normally would online and collect cashback directly into your Rakuten account. We'll automatically notify you when a reward is available for the shop you're visiting, so you'll never miss out!
2,080 users
Megabonus - cash back up to 40%
Megabonus is a reliable and convenient cash back program that allows saving on online purchases
2,013 users
Tipli do prehliadača
Tipli do prehliadača vás vždy upozorní, keď budete môcť získať peniaze naspäť z nákupu.
1,954 users