Font Size Increase
Increase font size on any web page with one click.
356 users
Page Sidebar | Open any page in side panel
Effortlessly open any website in your web browser's sidebar – streamline your workflow instantly!
354 users
Universal Video Maximizer
Zoom videos and theater mode on most websites WITHOUT requiring permissions to every site.
303 users
Recurring emails for Gmail
Sends your emails at a later time once, or recurring every X hours/days/months/years
232 users
Zoom Extension For Gov
Recommended, support FireFox 45+. The Zoom Firefox Extension allows participants to schedule Zoom cloud meetings directly from Google Calendar. you can start an instant meeting or schedule a future meeting via a button.
232 users
Proper Menubar for Firefox
Add the best menu bar to get easy and fast access to all your useful browser options and internet products!
204 users
Webpage to Excel and PDF
convert webpages to Excel and PDF formats
198 users
Google Docs/Sheets/Slides Image Download/Zoom
Preview, download images from Google Docs/Sheets/Slides
142 users
RGB Progress Bar
Makes progress bars cycle through different RGB colors.
132 users
Font Size Decrease
Decrease font size on any web page with one click.
129 users
Pause other audio and video sources if audio is playing on the active tab with automatic resume, fast forward and media controls.
99 users
Vox2 800% V1.0 - x2 ( HxN )
Up to 800% volume boost
95 users
Google Calendar™ on new Tab
Show Google Calendar when a new tab is opened
90 users
Snow for Firefox
Experience a snowstorm effect with falling snow on your page. Transform it into a winter wonderland with snowflakes.
71 users
Control Google Meet, StreamYard, and the web versions of Zoom and Microsoft Teams using MuteDeck. This extension discovers and controls calls and passes on the status to MuteDeck. Get MuteDeck from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
54 users
Better Text View
Makes website text larger and readable.
39 users
Trackit|Meet Attendance Tracker
Easily save attendance in google meet video calls. Trackit provides deep insights of the attendance which you will love to use.
34 users
A Ergonomic zoom add-on to zoom on the current Page withtout having to memorize shorcuts
30 users
Ambient Aurea for Firefox
Instantly craft stunning photo galleries with ambient lighting effects in a single click.
29 users
Enlarge Youtube Profile Images
Control size of profile images in the Youtube comment section.
29 users
URL Optimizer
Automatically optimizes Amazon URLs to the shortest possible form. Simplifying long and complex URLs makes them easier to manage, bookmark, share, and identify duplicate tabs. 💖 No user information is transmitted to/collected by the developer(s).
26 users
Automatically launch the Zoom Web Client instead of the desktop client when clicking invite URLs.
25 users
OneStream Live Studio
Go live using OneStream Live Studio: Host your own session or join as a guest!
21 users
StreamYard Shortcuts
A cross browser extension that adds Google meet keybindings to Streamyard broadcasts
19 users
Toggle Zoom Text Only
A toolbar button to toggle "zoom text only"
18 users