AutoRespect by ENGINE
A reminder to choose words carefully before hitting “send” to colleagues.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata

About this extension
Rethink. Replace. Respect.
ENGINE prides itself on creating an inclusive culture for all employees. Not only in the hallways and boardrooms, but also in our communication to each other. With the AutoRespect plug in, you can now scan your emailsfor commonly used words that can feel exclusive unintentionally.
Examples of the types of words and phrases AutoRespect will scan for and suggest a more-inclusive alternative to:
guys-> everyone
manpower-> personnel
wingman-> partner
man-up-> get it done
spokesman-> spokesperson
mankind-> humankind
And many, many more.
Let’s work on how we communicate with one another and show respect to everyone. Together, we can do better.
**Please note that currently AutoRespect only works on webmail versions of email.
ENGINE prides itself on creating an inclusive culture for all employees. Not only in the hallways and boardrooms, but also in our communication to each other. With the AutoRespect plug in, you can now scan your emailsfor commonly used words that can feel exclusive unintentionally.
Examples of the types of words and phrases AutoRespect will scan for and suggest a more-inclusive alternative to:
guys-> everyone
manpower-> personnel
wingman-> partner
man-up-> get it done
spokesman-> spokesperson
mankind-> humankind
And many, many more.
Let’s work on how we communicate with one another and show respect to everyone. Together, we can do better.
**Please note that currently AutoRespect only works on webmail versions of email.
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PermissionsLearn more
This add-on needs to:
- Access browser tabs
- Access your data for outlook.live.com
- Access your data for mail.google.com
- Access your data for outlook.office365.com
- Access your data for outlook.office.com
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 1.0.3
- Size
- 64.49 KB
- Last updated
- 5 years ago (Dec 10, 2019)
- Related Categories
- License
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Version History
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Release notes for 1.0.3
- Dictionary updated with new design
More extensions by ENGINE
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