Corrector orthographic de interlingua by csoreto
Corrector orthographic de interlingua [Interlingua spell checker]
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About this dictionary
Corrector orthographic developpate secundo le regulas establite in le Interlingua-English Dictionary e in le Interlingua Grammar, ambes publicate in 1951 per IALA (International Auxiliary Language Association).
Le Corrector comprehende le lexico del IED, un parte substantial (plus que 95%) del vocabulos registrate per Piet Cleij in su plure obras, principalmente le Lista Supplementari, e ancora milles de nove terminos extrahite ab le sequente obras publicate e inedite del autor:
- Vocabulario de Anatomia in le IED. UMI, 2013
- Dictionario de cognatos. hapax, (1) 2015, (2) 2018
- Vocabulario de Interlingua: Addenda al Interlingua-English Dictionary. hapax, 2020
- Terminologia basic multilingue de linguistica:
interlingua, anglese, germano, francese e portugese. hapax, 2020
- Multilingual Glossary of Linguistics:
English, German, French, Portuguese, Interlingua. hapax, 2021
- Interlingua-English Dictionary: A Supplement. hapax, 2023
- Grande Dicionário Português-Interlíngua. 4 vols (inedite)
- Vocabulario Orthographic de Interlingua (inedite)
Le Corrector comprehende le lexico del IED, un parte substantial (plus que 95%) del vocabulos registrate per Piet Cleij in su plure obras, principalmente le Lista Supplementari, e ancora milles de nove terminos extrahite ab le sequente obras publicate e inedite del autor:
- Vocabulario de Anatomia in le IED. UMI, 2013
- Dictionario de cognatos. hapax, (1) 2015, (2) 2018
- Vocabulario de Interlingua: Addenda al Interlingua-English Dictionary. hapax, 2020
- Terminologia basic multilingue de linguistica:
interlingua, anglese, germano, francese e portugese. hapax, 2020
- Multilingual Glossary of Linguistics:
English, German, French, Portuguese, Interlingua. hapax, 2021
- Interlingua-English Dictionary: A Supplement. hapax, 2023
- Grande Dicionário Português-Interlíngua. 4 vols (inedite)
- Vocabulario Orthographic de Interlingua (inedite)
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- Add-on Links
- Version
- 7.4
- Size
- 255.74 KB
- Last updated
- 2 years ago (Feb 17, 2023)
- License
- GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only
- Version History
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Release notes for 7.4
Addition de c. 5.000 nove terminos, con le inclusion del vocabulario del recentemente publicate "Interlingua-English Dictionary: A Supplement".
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