Don't track me Google version history - 25 versions
Don't track me Google by Rob W
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 4.28
Released Jul 2, 2023 - 26.02 KBWorks with firefox 68.0 and later, android 120.0 and later- Improve performance in Google Cloud Console #52
- Immediately clean URLs in basic Google Docs viewers #51
- Explicitly marked as compatible for AndroidSource code released under MIT License
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extensionOlder versions
Version 4.27
Released Apr 1, 2023 - 25.37 KBWorks with firefox 48.0 and later- Avoid breaking presenter view in Slides when the "Clear HTTP referrer" option is enabled - #49
- Add dark mode support to options page.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.26
Released Jun 7, 2021 - 25.16 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and laterKeep opener on popups of Google domains to avoid a broken authentication flow on the API Explorer #45Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.25
Released Mar 17, 2021 - 25.06 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and laterKeep opener in Google popups to avoid empty popups in Gmail #43Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.24
Released Feb 21, 2021 - 24.94 KBWorks with firefox 48.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*- Sanitize links of previews at Google Images #42
- Sanitize popup for Maps and Calendar #41
- Sanitize links in Google Docs #41
- Support functionality despite a restrictive CSP from GoogleSource code released under MIT License
Version 4.23.1
Released Jan 24, 2021 - 23.92 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*- Removed locale strings from URLs (#32).
- Sanitize links in's chat (#40).
- Improve link sanitization for old mobile user agents.
- Improve options page, for Firefox for Android.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.22
Released Dec 23, 2018 - 19.98 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Let Gmail handle same-origin links to view attachments inline (#31).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.21
Released Jan 17, 2018 - 19.58 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*- Recognize non-standard links in Google Calendar (was fixed in v4.18, but broken again in v4.19).
- Remove some ugly redirect URLs in intent:-URLs on Android (#23).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.20
Released Jan 8, 2018 - 19.1 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Block gen_204 beacon requests (#20).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.19
Released Nov 19, 2017 - 18.66 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Fix issue with links on Google Earth (#19)Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.18
Released Nov 19, 2017 - 18.67 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Recognize non-standard links in Google Calendar (#18)Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.17
Released Nov 1, 2017 - 18.35 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Replace href sooner when JS is disabled (#16)Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.15
Released Dec 23, 2016 - 14.07 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Detect URL-rewriters on advert links at Google Search (#8).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.14
Released Nov 20, 2016 - 14.06 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Only hide referrers for links, to allow Google Music to function as usual (#7).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.13
Released Nov 15, 2016 - 13.85 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Allow Google (Image) Search to preview images inline, even when the "Open each selected result in a new browser window" setting is enabled at Search settings (#6).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.12
Released Oct 17, 2016 - 13.71 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Include the origin in the referrer to allow reviews to be posted on Google Maps and Google Search (#5).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.11
Released Oct 5, 2016 - 13.52 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Bugfixes: Allow propagation of clicks on in-page and non-http(s)/ftp links. This allows mailto:-links, #-links and inline Gmail attachments to work normally again, instead of being opened in a new tab.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.9
Released Oct 1, 2016 - 13.27 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Add preference page to configure noreferrer setting.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.8
Released Sep 25, 2016 - 12.17 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*- Improve referrer hiding (against pages that delegate link clicks to other frames)
- Prevent Gmail from opening tabs with ugly URLs on click.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.7
Released Sep 18, 2016 - 11.83 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Hide referrer by default, because Google does not always hide the referrer.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.6
Released Aug 17, 2016 - 11.71 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Recognize relative Google URLs (for example: the "This site may harm your computer" link that appears below some search results).Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.5
Released Jul 21, 2016 - 11.64 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*- Prevent Gmail from uglifying links ( code released under MIT License
Version 4.4
Released Jul 12, 2016 - 11.63 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Recognize FTP links.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.3
Released Jul 7, 2016 - 11.62 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Try harder to avoid ugly URLs, including those links in calendar invite in Gmail and website links in Google Maps.Source code released under MIT License
Version 4.2
Released Jul 6, 2016 - 10.66 KBWorks with firefox 42.0 and later, android 48.0 to 68.*Update for Firefox Mobile: Rewrite already-rewritten URLs as soon as the link is touched, so that the copied URL is not ugly.Source code released under MIT License