Gossip Site Blocker by Hideki Ikemoto
Hide harmful sites from Google search results.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata

About this extension
This is made as an alternative to Personal Blocklist.
Main function
- Blocks with arbitrary URLs (for example, on Twitter you can block by account)
- Blocks by keyword
- Control of hide(soft block) and erase(hard block)
- Prevent blocked sites from being seen even for a moment
- Card type search results, news, video can also be blocked
- Because we prevented it from being seen even for a moment, the layout will collapse somewhat. Resize the window to get back to original.
Main function
- Blocks with arbitrary URLs (for example, on Twitter you can block by account)
- Blocks by keyword
- Control of hide(soft block) and erase(hard block)
- Prevent blocked sites from being seen even for a moment
- Card type search results, news, video can also be blocked
- Because we prevented it from being seen even for a moment, the layout will collapse somewhat. Resize the window to get back to original.
Rate your experience
PermissionsLearn more
This add-on needs to:
- Access your data for www.google.com
- Access your data for www.google.ad
- Access your data for www.google.ae
- Access your data for www.google.com.af
- Access your data for www.google.com.ag
- Access your data for www.google.com.ai
- Access your data for www.google.al
- Access your data for www.google.am
- Access your data for www.google.co.ao
- Access your data for www.google.com.ar
- Access your data for www.google.as
- Access your data for www.google.at
- Access your data for www.google.com.au
- Access your data for www.google.az
- Access your data for www.google.ba
- Access your data for www.google.com.bd
- Access your data for www.google.be
- Access your data for www.google.bf
- Access your data for www.google.bg
- Access your data for www.google.com.bh
- Access your data for www.google.bi
- Access your data for www.google.bj
- Access your data for www.google.com.bn
- Access your data for www.google.com.bo
- Access your data for www.google.com.br
- Access your data for www.google.bs
- Access your data for www.google.bt
- Access your data for www.google.co.bw
- Access your data for www.google.by
- Access your data for www.google.com.bz
- Access your data for www.google.ca
- Access your data for www.google.cd
- Access your data for www.google.cf
- Access your data for www.google.cg
- Access your data for www.google.ch
- Access your data for www.google.ci
- Access your data for www.google.co.ck
- Access your data for www.google.cl
- Access your data for www.google.cm
- Access your data for www.google.cn
- Access your data for www.google.com.co
- Access your data for www.google.co.cr
- Access your data for www.google.com.cu
- Access your data for www.google.cv
- Access your data for www.google.com.cy
- Access your data for www.google.cz
- Access your data for www.google.de
- Access your data for www.google.dj
- Access your data for www.google.dk
- Access your data for www.google.dm
- Access your data for www.google.com.do
- Access your data for www.google.dz
- Access your data for www.google.com.ec
- Access your data for www.google.ee
- Access your data for www.google.com.eg
- Access your data for www.google.es
- Access your data for www.google.com.et
- Access your data for www.google.fi
- Access your data for www.google.com.fj
- Access your data for www.google.fm
- Access your data for www.google.fr
- Access your data for www.google.ga
- Access your data for www.google.ge
- Access your data for www.google.gg
- Access your data for www.google.com.gh
- Access your data for www.google.com.gi
- Access your data for www.google.gl
- Access your data for www.google.gm
- Access your data for www.google.gp
- Access your data for www.google.gr
- Access your data for www.google.com.gt
- Access your data for www.google.gy
- Access your data for www.google.com.hk
- Access your data for www.google.hn
- Access your data for www.google.hr
- Access your data for www.google.ht
- Access your data for www.google.hu
- Access your data for www.google.co.id
- Access your data for www.google.ie
- Access your data for www.google.co.il
- Access your data for www.google.im
- Access your data for www.google.co.in
- Access your data for www.google.iq
- Access your data for www.google.is
- Access your data for www.google.it
- Access your data for www.google.je
- Access your data for www.google.com.jm
- Access your data for www.google.jo
- Access your data for www.google.co.jp
- Access your data for www.google.co.ke
- Access your data for www.google.com.kh
- Access your data for www.google.ki
- Access your data for www.google.kg
- Access your data for www.google.co.kr
- Access your data for www.google.com.kw
- Access your data for www.google.kz
- Access your data for www.google.la
- Access your data for www.google.com.lb
- Access your data for www.google.li
- Access your data for www.google.lk
- Access your data for www.google.co.ls
- Access your data for www.google.lt
- Access your data for www.google.lu
- Access your data for www.google.lv
- Access your data for www.google.com.ly
- Access your data for www.google.co.ma
- Access your data for www.google.md
- Access your data for www.google.me
- Access your data for www.google.mg
- Access your data for www.google.mk
- Access your data for www.google.ml
- Access your data for www.google.com.mm
- Access your data for www.google.mn
- Access your data for www.google.ms
- Access your data for www.google.com.mt
- Access your data for www.google.mu
- Access your data for www.google.mv
- Access your data for www.google.mw
- Access your data for www.google.com.mx
- Access your data for www.google.com.my
- Access your data for www.google.co.mz
- Access your data for www.google.com.na
- Access your data for www.google.com.nf
- Access your data for www.google.com.ng
- Access your data for www.google.com.ni
- Access your data for www.google.ne
- Access your data for www.google.nl
- Access your data for www.google.no
- Access your data for www.google.com.np
- Access your data for www.google.nr
- Access your data for www.google.nu
- Access your data for www.google.co.nz
- Access your data for www.google.com.om
- Access your data for www.google.com.pa
- Access your data for www.google.com.pe
- Access your data for www.google.com.pg
- Access your data for www.google.com.ph
- Access your data for www.google.com.pk
- Access your data for www.google.pl
- Access your data for www.google.pn
- Access your data for www.google.com.pr
- Access your data for www.google.ps
- Access your data for www.google.pt
- Access your data for www.google.com.py
- Access your data for www.google.com.qa
- Access your data for www.google.ro
- Access your data for www.google.ru
- Access your data for www.google.rw
- Access your data for www.google.com.sa
- Access your data for www.google.com.sb
- Access your data for www.google.sc
- Access your data for www.google.se
- Access your data for www.google.com.sg
- Access your data for www.google.sh
- Access your data for www.google.si
- Access your data for www.google.sk
- Access your data for www.google.com.sl
- Access your data for www.google.sn
- Access your data for www.google.so
- Access your data for www.google.sm
- Access your data for www.google.sr
- Access your data for www.google.st
- Access your data for www.google.com.sv
- Access your data for www.google.td
- Access your data for www.google.tg
- Access your data for www.google.co.th
- Access your data for www.google.com.tj
- Access your data for www.google.tk
- Access your data for www.google.tl
- Access your data for www.google.tm
- Access your data for www.google.tn
- Access your data for www.google.to
- Access your data for www.google.com.tr
- Access your data for www.google.tt
- Access your data for www.google.com.tw
- Access your data for www.google.co.tz
- Access your data for www.google.com.ua
- Access your data for www.google.co.ug
- Access your data for www.google.co.uk
- Access your data for www.google.com.uy
- Access your data for www.google.co.uz
- Access your data for www.google.com.vc
- Access your data for www.google.co.ve
- Access your data for www.google.vg
- Access your data for www.google.co.vi
- Access your data for www.google.com.vn
- Access your data for www.google.vu
- Access your data for www.google.ws
- Access your data for www.google.rs
- Access your data for www.google.co.za
- Access your data for www.google.co.zm
- Access your data for www.google.co.zw
- Access your data for www.google.cat
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 1.16.0
- Size
- 109.13 KB
- Last updated
- a year ago (Nov 22, 2023)
- Related Categories
- License
- MIT License
- Privacy Policy
- Read the privacy policy for this add-on
- Version History
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