Reviews for Firefox Multi-Account Containers
Firefox Multi-Account Containers by Firefox
940 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Dark Vicky, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by CopperHawk, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Rohit, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Aue, 2 years agoEs ist eine dieser coolen Erweiterungen, die man erst mal finden und verstehen muss.
Wenn man sie aber eine Weile nutzt merkt man, dass Ordnung entsteht. Ich habe nun mal eine Welt, in der man mal abhängt, mal arbeitet etc. Und mit dem Container kann ich die vielen Tabs visuell trennen, den richtigen VPN-Standort zuweisen etc.
Gern würde ich die Tabs besser gruppieren können, so wie im Chrome. Aber vielleicht kommt das ja noch. Aber deshalb eben nicht alle Sterne.
Aktuell verwende ich deshalb zum Gruppieren die 'Tree Style Tab'-Erweiterung.
P.P.S. Der Fairnis halber muss ich noch hinzufügen, dass ich eben herausgefunden habe, wie ich die Tabs nach Containern sortieren kann. Und das ist ja dann schon fast wie Gruppieren:-)
P.P.P.S. In übernächster Bewertung meint User=17689965 man könne die Container nicht sortieren. Vermutlich meint er, sie sind nicht automatisch sortierbar. Aber ich habe 8 Container und davon 4 aktive. Und die lassen sich sehr wohl sortieren. Und zwar manuell und dauerhaft. - Rated 4 out of 5by Bikelink, 2 years ago(Double edit: thought I was writing a redundant review but it turns out listing ones reviews in ones profile it doesn't tell you WHAT the review is of...HOWEVER, getting to "CONTAINERS IN FIREFOX..."
TL; DR version:
Moderately highly recommend as a "why not should help not hurt" additional layer of privacy defense, and has features that become semi-automated so it can be integrated into your workflow without much effort.
Would like if:
I'd like a little more customization (UI) and as a non-tech person (I only know a couple things) I would like to underrstand more of the "UX" lol, but while no one is perfect, this extension (literally) of a "non-profit seems like a no brainer though unclear how MUCH it helps it's easy to use.
The TL;DR "more"
Seems to do what it says it will do (in the background) well, and/or perhaps it's simply extra layer of defense I think at minimum? One thing I don't like is not being able to change the primary can add additional containers naming them anything you want, and I HAVE done that for a couple. They limit the number of symbols and colors you can use for each container which is only slightly annoying ;-) I LOVE how I set it to "open new tabs in a container" and it brings it up and you choose so don't forget, and how it automatically opens different web sites in the asssigned container (it asks you "always open in this container?" which is also a nice workflow/don't have to remember thing. These days things are so complicated that between the native browser protections, additional settings, add ons like this, etc, it can be very difficult to figure out if something doesn't work on a website where the problem is. That seems to be a rare problem though and I've worked around it and don't know that ANY were from this extension. The click symbol to change to a container is also eay to use/find. This seemed like a "no brainer" especially with the objects-in-libraries-associated-with-appearance-of-person-company company who along with those that had one strange rule and couldn't keep it strangely which has many services including finding things on the web, the container thingee is relatively simple and seems to work well not that I can tell what's going on under the hood but file under "probalby helps; doesn't seem to hurt or if does hurt not much at all!" - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17684842, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by FeelingUnreal, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by who cares, 2 years agoLove the extension. It has proved to be really helpful to manage and isolate different accounts and environments.
Feature request:
- Can we have more colors and icons in the containers create menu?
- When we use the keyboard shortcut for the containers menu, can we have auto focus on the search box, so that we could just start searching for the name of the container. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 15073899, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14251874, 2 years agoOnly rating 5 stars because I can't rate it 6. This is perfect. As a freelancer, I don't want to use Chrome's tedious login mechanism. This lets me quickly name my clients and split them into groups. It is Google agnostic and let's me use my current browser add-ons.
I don't know where this plug-in has been all my life, but thank you. - Rated 4 out of 5by Bence Hornák, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Koesj, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Sam, 2 years agoIt's a great idea. I love how I am able to "contain" cookies to certain domains. The only issue I have is that some login pages does a lot of redirecting (bing, google, et. al) which this extension doesn't also capture. There is no way to add domains manual or wildcard certain subdomains. It the extension does see it you can't "fix it". The only work around is to turn off "limit to certain domains" but that is a pain to toggle back on and off when you need to login and such.
- Rated 4 out of 5by JimmySte, 2 years agoI'm really enjoying using this extension, it totally changed my browsing experience.
- Rated 4 out of 5by David Webb, 2 years agoI've been using the Firefox Multi-Account Containers plug-in for years and have been very happy with it.
The reason I'm giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is because of a recent issue I'm having with the "Open this site in your assigned Container?" message that pops up every time I go to an start page. My issue is that I have multiple AWS accounts to work within and I use the containers to allow multiple simultaneous logins.
I don't want this dialog. I haven't found a way to turn it off. I haven't found a way to remove the default container setting for this site. It pops up when I go to the start page and again when I go to the next page on AWS login.
Please give me a way to manage which sites default to which container beyond the non-functional "Remember my decision for this site" checkbox.
I want to get a list of sites per container and be able to remove them. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17687123, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14235522, 2 years agoReally cool extension to separate cookies. It works like a charm. I feel the UX could be improved a little bit. For example, opening tabs of a certain container could be smoother. Maybe one could set up a default container for a certain period of time or something like that.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Andrea, 2 years agoValidissima estensione!
L'unico problema che ho sempre avuto è quello della configurazione su una nuova installazione Firefox.
Perché devono venire necessariamente reinstallati i 4 container di default, quando ne ho già creato io di nuovi?
Gradirei trovare la stessa configurazione sempre, su ogni installazione di Firefox.
Per il resto sempre ben funzionante e poco esigente in termini di spazio, ma sarebbe molto bello vedere i profili anche in Firefox, nel 2022, in ritardo di almeno una decina d'anni... - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17612018, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by deniscimen, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by sami, 2 years agoBonjour,
A l'heure du pour vivre mieux restons cachés, addons très intéressant.
je l'expérimente actuellement, peut-être mal, la synchro, entre machines, de configuration des conteneurs
n'est pas stable. Sur ces deux machines l'option synchro étant cochée les onglets perdent ou trouvent modifiés leur affectation conteneur...Sur les deux PC
Merci pour le job ! - Rated 4 out of 5by doctorenalaska, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Gerard, 2 years agoWekt top, alleen zou het super zijn om ook containers aan bladwijzers toe te voegen. Dan kan ik bijvoorbeeld mijn Microsoft accounts goed gescheiden houden. Ik heb dit nu voor elkaar gekregen met een Add-on, maar zou fijn zijn als dit native werkt.)