Reviews for Tab Session Manager
Tab Session Manager by sienori
1,106 reviews
- Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 13620458, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13619685, 7 years agodoes what descibes.
perfect for my needs.
no bugs yet.
i would like the addon to auto-replace old autosaves. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13617297, 7 years agoNow that I'm passed the original frustration of loosing all of my plugins when FF updated itself, I can voice an opinion that's more grounded. :)
I will not start complaining about all of the stuff missing compared to the TAB Mix Plus/Session Manager/Tab Groups plugins, I would miss the point I want to make.
That point I want to make is pretty simple: the first iterations of this plugin were lacking in terms of functionality and were barely usable to me. Since then, sienori, the Dev, is keeping a good pace at delivering new versions up to a point that I start to enjoy using FF again as my daily browser.
Keep it up, sienori! I suspect that like me, you are helping FF keep some of it's most loyal users when everything seemed to be doomed a few weeks back. KUDOS! - Rated 5 out of 5by mwld, 7 years agoA great replacement for the tab session management part of TabMixPlus! And it improves in handling and usability from week to week. Nice work!
- Rated 3 out of 5by Firefox user 13573630, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13469601, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefcx user 11712425, 7 years agoGreat extension, though there's at least one bug and improvement I'd like to mention:
When a saved session contains 2 windows, if the second window only contains an "about:newtab" tab, then clicking on it in the list opens the page within Tab Session Manager's pop-up window instead of the browser window.
I have hundreds of tabs in a single window. Browsing the list of all tabs per window could be more convenient if you could collapse the list of Window 1's tabs to quickly see the tabs in Window 2. This could be done by clicking Window 1's favicon. You could also include a setting that if a session contains more than one window, collapse all windows in the list by default. This would make it faster to get to a given window should you have multiple of them in a saved session.
Another suggestion would be to allow clicking on the window's name e.g. "Window 1" to open the entire window. This way you can restore just one of the windows in a saved session. Alternatively, "Window 1" could act as the collapse/expand functionality mentioned above, and an " - Open" link added to the right of it (this may be better UX design because the distance between the favicon and the "Window 1" word is quite small which could lead to errors such as accidentally opening a Window with hundreds of tabs).
Thanks! - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13605614, 7 years agoThis plugin has saved me hours of work, so simple to use too..
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13604208, 7 years agovery usefull session manager and works fine, Tab lazy is a nice feature, thanks for the good work!!!!
- Rated 5 out of 5by nicholasq, 7 years agoGreat to have a way to save sessions and rename them. Thanks for this app. I was surprised my renamed sessions were overwritten. This happens if you allow auto-save. After there are x number of sessions (set in settings) and your saved session is included and replaced by subsequent sessions. Thus, I had to turn off auto-save to preserve my really needed sessions. It would be nice if saved sessions are separated out so one could use both features and save a session indefinitely. Would also be nice if saved sessions could be auto exported.
- Rated 4 out of 5by MightyDrakeC, 7 years agoSeems pretty solid. Now that it has Lazy Tab Loading, it is *far* more usable. Good job. I just put my money where my mouth is and donated
- Rated 5 out of 5by Matt Buck, 7 years agoThis is a great replacement for Session Buddy, which I was missing after my migration from Chrome. Well done!
- Rated 5 out of 5by Valentin, 7 years agoNice SessionManager Replacement. But please give an option to use default-colored icons, the green one doesn't really fit into the new Photon UI.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13531040, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Juanka Hula, 7 years agoThe addon works great. Just look at the configuration to "fix" all the "issues" you are claiming it has.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Tetsuya Tsurugi, 7 years agoGreat addon, simply and useful.
Can I suggest a feature?. It is possible add a delete tab button in saved session and open in currnent window?
Thanks :) - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13585608, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by 美幸, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13572668, 7 years agoSo far I like TSM, it works for me without the problems others have been reporting. I am coming from the old Session-Manager and now I miss only a few but IMO important things at the moment.
First and for me most important would be the option to choose where to store your sessions. For example I go out to clients to show them some things on my laptop which I have I have previosly preselected in the office on my desktop. If I could save my sessions outside in the cloud I would have my presentation at a fingertip.
Also I would very much like to see a 'save window' feature, like there was in old Session Manager.
To use an anolgy, a session might be seen as a directory with the single windows as files. For effective filemanegement these extended features would IMO be needed.
As a minor perfomance thing I might mention that I miss the window oriented start of session-manager somewhat, it seems to be a lot slower to open each tab one after the other (at least on 7 windows with 250+ tabs that I've just imported as a test).
Anyway I look forward to the further development of this very much needed addon! - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13088848, 7 years agoFinally it can open all the saved windows since version 1.6.1.
Thank you !
People! If you previously used earlier the deprecated "SessionManager", then your old session is saved at
You could import json/js with this add-on and completely restore back your very old session.
To dev: By the way, its better to just open the tabs unloaded without loading (making TCP-calls) any page ( at all or leave an option in the settings). Because of the integrity, I don't always want to make tcp-calls to their servers whenever I launch my FluffyFurFuriousFox and by this way avoiding/creating a unique tcp-call-signature that sharks could/would trace me. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13561737, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13495313, 7 years agoIn older FireFox(FF as follows) than 57 (ver <=56), "Session Manager"(S-M as follows) did a great job.
But in FF ver 57, S-M ended its life, due to the FF's change, cut off "XUL", which used in S-M, and moved to "Web extension".
This TSM seems an good "ALTERNATIVE" of S-M "JUST" for *FF 57*, for me.
TSM is *NOT* a successor of S-M. Different developer makes TSM than S-M. Words of "Session Manger" in TSM made me confusing, for the 1st time. If its name was "TAB MANAGER", might not be confusing for me.
You don't have to take risk to move from S-M to TSM, if you are still using older FF(ver <=56) or PaleMoon, which still has XUL, which is cut off in FF57. (I still use S-M on PaleMoon)
Following issue was fixed in TSM 1.6.1, using "tab lazy load" option. (FF ver 57.0.1 x64)
Good job! (2star -> 4star)
at TSM ver: 1.5.0, FFver: 57.0 x64.
"Open" with 100-200 tabs with 4 windows saved, only 1 window opens and 15-20 tabs only resotred.
With or without Tree-Style-Tab. Even in case of tabs with only http/https-style, this occures.
Exporting sessions from this extension, 4 windows and 100-200 tabs seems all saved in the exported file, instead.
*** - Rated 5 out of 5by Eepbee, 7 years agoExcellent add-on that has been working well without any issues.
Now that the "Lazy tab loading" option was added it is, as far as I'm concerned, perfect. Thank you so much! - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13551667, 7 years ago