Reviews for Tab Session Manager
Tab Session Manager by sienori
200 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13475523, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13661202, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Evgeni, 7 years agoСпасибо за дополнение, оно очень помогает! Но очень хотелось бы одну, очень важную, функцию добавить. Многие вкладки в сессии имеют несколько страниц в глубину, но после восстановления сессии остаются только те, что были на самом верху. Сделайте, пожалуйста, так, чтобы сохранялись в сессии не просто открытые вкладки, но и глубина (история) вкладок. Тогда полноценные пять звёзд вашему приложению будут обеспечены. Заранее спасибо! С Новым Годом!!!
Thanks for the addition, it really helps! But I would very much like to add one very important function. Many tabs in the session have several pages in depth, but after the session is recovered, only those that were at the top remain. Please make sure that not only open tabs are saved in the session, but also the depth (history) of the tabs. Then a full five stars to your application will be provided. Thank you in advance! Happy New Year!!! - Rated 4 out of 5by yarrmateys, 7 years agowhile normally it does its job, in my case it failed spectacularly when i needed it most. i had a power failure, and upon boot i find all of my tabs are wiped as usual thanks to firefox's abysmal handling of sessions. so i go to tab session manager to restore them, only to find that its extension database (alongside a few other extensions) was also wiped/corrupted, which means no tabs at all.
the extension could use some sort of cloud backup, on google drive or dropbox to store selected (or all) sessions online for quick retrieval in case firefox's unreliable database gets corrupted or wiped. - Rated 4 out of 5by DonMashak, 7 years agoMy comparison is based on my previous experience with discontinued "Session Manager". First, thank you for filling in the gap... I was spoiled by Session Manager. "Tab Session Manager" works as represented. It allows me to recover exactly my last session... Which is better than nothing... But if you forget to close a pop up, last session it recalls is that pop up alone. Session Manager allowed you to go back 5-10 back ups. It also allowed you to customize Sessions... For example, Personal vs Business vs Personal Finances vs Personal entertainment. Hopefully these feature will be added in future releases. To that end, I am making a contribution.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Detlev, 7 years agoKommt zwar an das gute alte Tab Mix Plus noch lange nicht heran, aber es ist ein guter Anfang. Alle Grundfunktionen sind da und funktionieren. Außerdem ist die App im Moment die einzige im Store die die Nachfolge von Tab Mix Plus angetreten hat. Deshalb habe ich mich auch zu einer Spende entschlossen.
- Rated 4 out of 5by firstcipher, 7 years agoI have a request, can you add search tab within save session.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13623032, 7 years agoLove the import from session manager but this thing doesn't keep the link and just redirects to the actual page when active. This leads to bugs where the page is empty
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13617297, 7 years agoNow that I'm passed the original frustration of loosing all of my plugins when FF updated itself, I can voice an opinion that's more grounded. :)
I will not start complaining about all of the stuff missing compared to the TAB Mix Plus/Session Manager/Tab Groups plugins, I would miss the point I want to make.
That point I want to make is pretty simple: the first iterations of this plugin were lacking in terms of functionality and were barely usable to me. Since then, sienori, the Dev, is keeping a good pace at delivering new versions up to a point that I start to enjoy using FF again as my daily browser.
Keep it up, sienori! I suspect that like me, you are helping FF keep some of it's most loyal users when everything seemed to be doomed a few weeks back. KUDOS! - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13469601, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by MightyDrakeC, 7 years agoSeems pretty solid. Now that it has Lazy Tab Loading, it is *far* more usable. Good job. I just put my money where my mouth is and donated
- Rated 4 out of 5by Tetsuya Tsurugi, 7 years agoGreat addon, simply and useful.
Can I suggest a feature?. It is possible add a delete tab button in saved session and open in currnent window?
Thanks :) - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13572668, 7 years agoSo far I like TSM, it works for me without the problems others have been reporting. I am coming from the old Session-Manager and now I miss only a few but IMO important things at the moment.
First and for me most important would be the option to choose where to store your sessions. For example I go out to clients to show them some things on my laptop which I have I have previosly preselected in the office on my desktop. If I could save my sessions outside in the cloud I would have my presentation at a fingertip.
Also I would very much like to see a 'save window' feature, like there was in old Session Manager.
To use an anolgy, a session might be seen as a directory with the single windows as files. For effective filemanegement these extended features would IMO be needed.
As a minor perfomance thing I might mention that I miss the window oriented start of session-manager somewhat, it seems to be a lot slower to open each tab one after the other (at least on 7 windows with 250+ tabs that I've just imported as a test).
Anyway I look forward to the further development of this very much needed addon! - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13561737, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13495313, 7 years agoIn older FireFox(FF as follows) than 57 (ver <=56), "Session Manager"(S-M as follows) did a great job.
But in FF ver 57, S-M ended its life, due to the FF's change, cut off "XUL", which used in S-M, and moved to "Web extension".
This TSM seems an good "ALTERNATIVE" of S-M "JUST" for *FF 57*, for me.
TSM is *NOT* a successor of S-M. Different developer makes TSM than S-M. Words of "Session Manger" in TSM made me confusing, for the 1st time. If its name was "TAB MANAGER", might not be confusing for me.
You don't have to take risk to move from S-M to TSM, if you are still using older FF(ver <=56) or PaleMoon, which still has XUL, which is cut off in FF57. (I still use S-M on PaleMoon)
Following issue was fixed in TSM 1.6.1, using "tab lazy load" option. (FF ver 57.0.1 x64)
Good job! (2star -> 4star)
at TSM ver: 1.5.0, FFver: 57.0 x64.
"Open" with 100-200 tabs with 4 windows saved, only 1 window opens and 15-20 tabs only resotred.
With or without Tree-Style-Tab. Even in case of tabs with only http/https-style, this occures.
Exporting sessions from this extension, 4 windows and 100-200 tabs seems all saved in the exported file, instead.
*** - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13550179, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by RMR57, 7 years agoI love the lazy load feature, very nice when dealing with may tabs.
One feature I'd like to see is the option of opening the group in a new window or the current window on a case by case basis. Instead of a single setting in settings, perhaps the use of the cntl key with open would open in new window and without it opens in current window. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13261996, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13534707, 7 years agocan be better if can choose to save individual of windows or tabs as session.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13527327, 7 years agoMy question is, what for is the permission for downloading files and READ AND MODIFY download history, on top of that, required. That's sneaky and suspicious.
Yeah... That simultaneous loading of all tabs is a disaster...
I'd also vote for a "saved sessions list compact view" option. Like one-two text lines without much space-eating decorations.
Anyway, thank you for active development and support for Tree Style Tabbar! Your addon is indispensable, irreplaceable and a kind of a savior these days! - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13524416, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13522933, 7 years agoI had to get this extension as a replacement for "Session Manager" as the new Firefox doesn't support that one anymore. It's a 5 star program and I absolutely hate giving anything less than five stars...but the only reason why I have is because for work I have tabs open to local html files I created myself, and every time I restore my tabs with this extension it only opens up web pages from the actual web and never opens up my local html files that I need which makes me have to go and open them up one by one. I could do it myself, but I got this extension to keep from having to take time to do that so I don't mix them up and can start working right away. Also, it doesn't ever open all the tabs when there is more than one window saved, usually meaning I have to open up all the tabs myself in the second window as well. Hopefully it can get updated soon. It's DEFINITELY much faster than Session Manager, but I need it to save and open all the tabs ^_^
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13522117, 7 years ago56まで使えたアドオンFEBEのように、アドオンの設定やテーマの画像、ブックマークデータなど全てのデータを一括バックアップできるようになると、Firefoxを再インストールしたり、新しく使う際にとても助かります。
お手数ですが、ご検討よろしくお願いいたします。 - Rated 4 out of 5by nzpete54, 7 years agoI had to find a replacement for the old Session Manager, which worked well until FF57, and then not at all.
I give kudos to the author of this add on for going to the trouble to provide an extension that substitutes for the legacy Session Manager in part. If it can duplicate more of the functionality of the older extension, it would rate FIVE stars for sure. But I thank the author and rate four stars at this time.
There are issues which I hope can be dealt with as this extension develops:
- I had a large 196 tab session saved, which Tab Session Manager shows OK, but when I try to open the session, only a portion of them do load. There seems to be a limit here. It would be nice if there was not.
- I note the latest version 1.5 has an option to Export the tabs (I presume as a list of links), but I haven't located this feature. This would enable me to sort through the 196 tabs mentioned in the previous point, so I hope I can find it - FOUND IT! Cool. Oh, but it only exports as a .json file which is not so useful. Update: but it is not to hard to manipulate the file with Notepad++ using "windowId": value to extract the tabs from a particular session.
- I echo the statement of "Anonymous user 8e0130" who asked "Is there anyway to have it not load non-active tabs?"