YT Nonstop by JohnyP
No more 'Video paused. Continue watching?' confirmation box! And with two extra options: 1) disable autoplay; 2) loop playlist.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata
About this extension
This is the manifest v2 version of my Microsoft v3 extension. (https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/yt-nonstop/ljhaomibkgdhmfdiglflmkijdbiejcom)
Tasks of this extension
By default the option to disable YouTube autoplay is turned off (which also means that autoplay is on but that it will skip the endscreen and directly goes to the next video). If you want to disable YouTube autoplay just enable this option.
See YT-Nonstop/releases (https://github.com/JohnyP36/YT-Nonstop/releases) for all release information.
Tasks of this extension
- This extension automatically clicks on "Continue Watching?" if Youtube asks you the annoying question "Are you still there?" and keeps YouTube running nonstop! 🔥
- In the popup menu of this extension you have an extra option to disable/enable Youtube autoplay.
This is to avoid that Youtube automatically plays the next video after your video ends and this option is extremely handy if you are watching/listening to video's in a playlist. 👌
- - prevent or click on the popup "Continue Watching?",
- - giving the option to disable autoplay and
- - loop playlists.
By default the option to disable YouTube autoplay is turned off (which also means that autoplay is on but that it will skip the endscreen and directly goes to the next video). If you want to disable YouTube autoplay just enable this option.
See YT-Nonstop/releases (https://github.com/JohnyP36/YT-Nonstop/releases) for all release information.
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PermissionsLearn more
This add-on needs to:
- Access browser tabs
- Access your data for www.youtube.com
- Access your data for music.youtube.com
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- Size
- 141.43 KB
- Last updated
- a year ago (Nov 10, 2023)
- Related Categories
- License
- MIT License
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