Move Reminder
Reminds developers to take a break and move every hour.
1 user
YouTube Playlist Time Calc
A simple extension to calculate total time of a YouTube playlist!
1 user
WIVA - Web Information Verification Authority
WIVA [Web Information Verification Authority] verifies and validates information access in a websites. WIVA provide access to check website information verification status, Rate Website and information accessed, Report Scam and misleading websites.
1 user
BC Parks Automation
This addon helps to catch and reserve the camping spot on BC Parks website.
1 user
PhisherMan Protect
+ Protects your browser from Phishing + Uses an AI model to detect when the user browses to a suspicous URL + Detect never seen before phishing URLs (even ones Google missed!) + Observe our detailed logs
1 user
PushAll это платформа, предоставляющая компаниям, разработчикам и независимым группам людей рассылать уведомления своей аудитории. Это могут быть как рассылки всем пользователям, так и личные рассылки каждому или же групповые.
1 user
Orbital Clock
Orbital Clock icon displays OTC day of year (not Gregorian) relative to Northern Hemisphere Spring Equinox and OTC year (not Gregorian) relative to Earth establishment. Depressing the icon redirects to a localized OTC data page.
1 user
Entrega una estadística de comentarios "+1" o "-1" de las publicaciones de U-Cursos.
1 user
MordkiGame - Notyfikacje
Otrzymuj na bieżąco notyfikacje o statusie Twoich zgłoszeń.
1 user
Reminds you why you went on a website. Designed to help you stop losing track of time when on sites like Facebook etc. When you browse to a site you've told Artax about, it'll ask you what you want to do there, and when you want to be reminded.
1 user
Get notifications about comments from PaperHive.
1 user
Provides stats about how often you visit specified websites, great for limiting procrastination and increasing productivity
1 user
HackerEarth Challenges
HackerEarth Extension keeps you updated with upcoming challenges and other resources on HackerEarth.
1 user
A free chance to raise funds for your favorite nonprofits
1 user
Media Panel_2.8
Devtools panel that displays information about media and webrtc
1 user
Validate any shortURL with RevealURL
1 user
Zobrazí průměr známek v systému bakaláři, (v budoucnu možná i další funkce). (EN: This addon shows marks diameter in school system, (in future maybe some additional functions)).
1 user
Twitter Anti Hack for Firefox
An extension for Firefox to protect Twitter account hijacking. If you try to session with an app that is at risk of hijacking, you will be warned with a pop-up.
1 user
Count GPT
Count requests to
1 user
Wind Speed Esta
Live Wind Speed in Estavayer, Lac of Neuchatel, Switzerland
1 user
Foresight Dashboard for GitHub
A simplified GitHub Actions status dashboard based on the Foresight Repositories app view.
1 user
Loukoum Light
Get the latest news about your favorites cryptocurrencies in a single click from any websites.
1 user
YouGame Discord RPC
Расширение для отображения активности на YouGame.Biz в статусе Discord RP. Основано на Discord-RPC-Extension
1 user
Notifications counter from Old-Games.RU forum
1 user
CallToYou Browser Sync
CallToYou and Firefox integration
1 user