Tab Group Window
Manage tabs as a groups (window).
25 users
Movies and Vegetables
🎥 IMDb <= Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 You can see RottenTomatoes ratings on IMDb.
25 users
Codeforces extension to display a daily question for each user in each rating group
25 users
FL Favourites 1899 - Classic
Original Colour Scheme! A new and updated version of the Fallen London Favourites addon for use with the online game, Fallen London. Enable/disable specific storylets and cards to prevent misclicks! Forked from gasovn (in turn forked from kav2k)
25 users
GitHub Default Tab Size
Make tab indented code more readable by allowing you to set a default tab size
25 users
YouTube Thumbnail Viewer
Displays Youtube thumbnails of current tab
25 users
Easily Remove HTML elements by clicking them
25 users
Attempts to hide Gemini integrations from Google Workspace (Mail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Chat). Just a CSS change.
25 users
Vebiz Eklenti
Vebiz Eklenti
25 users
Close Tabs to the left button
Note: No confirm while closing. Per default the Button is added to the tab bar, but you can drag and drop the button wherever you want in Customize mode.
25 users
GiroLive Internet-Toolbar
Nutzen Sie die GiroLive Internet-Toolbar, um beim Online-Shopping direkt in Ihren Shops vom GiroLive-Portal zu profitieren und keine Rabatte zu verpassen. Das Login über das GiroLive-Portal entfällt damit.
25 users
Custom Characters
Define up to 20 custom characters from Unicode for quick and easy input.
25 users
Tab Stats: Expanded
Provides some data about open tabs. Forked from "Tab Stats" in order to add a feature that upstream ignored for an extended period of time.
25 users
Disables anti-features from Reddit's mobile site
25 users
Set the background color of the webpage to protect your eyes. and create a beautiful and comfortable internet environment.
25 users
YouTube Scrollbars
Makes YouTube's scrollbars more discreet. Does not affect live chat.
25 users
Summertime Odyssey Genshin Impact theme (dynamic)
Genshin Impact 'Summertime Odyssey' theme, change background by time.
25 users
Twitch Live Navigation
Go back in time on Twitch with an intuitive navigation bar, allowing you to easily rewind live streams and catch up on missed moments.
25 users
Save As PDF
Download web pages as PDF in one click.
25 users
포털(네이버, 다음)에서 불량뉴스를 알려주는 extension -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 Firefox는 이 addon 을 설치하면 동작. -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 구글 크롬, MS Edge, 네이버 웨일에서 chrome extension 설치 가능 -안드로이드의 kiwi browser에서 chrome extension 설치하여 동작 -애플 ios에서는 ios15 출시 후 safari browser에서 동작 예정
25 users
Show and Copy Image Properties
You can see the properties of the image and copy them to the clipboard easily.
25 users
Email and Phone Extractor
Extract email addresses and phone numbers from websites
25 users
Add a keyboard shortcut (Alt+Period on Windows & Linux, Cmd+Period on macOS) that removes all fixed or sticky elements from the current page.
25 users
Projekt wtyczki dla serwisu wykop (niebawem również hejto), która będzie rozwijać serwis o nowe przydatne funkcjonalności oraz przywracać te, które zostały zabrane przez ciemiężców z administracji.
25 users