Ctrl + A (Select All)
Add a button to RT with with all teamed accounts even with the new TweetDeck update that restricts users to one account per retweet
18 users
Download novel in epub format from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/7dac9712ebb4cd9c8e6664a7ab8caf131817241c5cbeb0de03c7f62836169ccd/http%3A//m.fanfiction.net" rel="nofollow">m.fanfiction.net</a>
18 users
Toggle Zoom Text Only
A toolbar button to toggle "zoom text only"
18 users
very cool dark mode
google classroom and synergy under the moonlight 🌚
18 users
UG Columns
Makes Ultimate Guitar use columns for the music view.
18 users
Moodle Dark Mode
Dark Mode for Moodle. This works on any Moodle page.
18 users
Redmine Plus
This Chrome and Firefox plugins adds magic to Redmine. It particularly enhances the backlog and taskboard of the Redmine Backlogs plugin.
17 users
Elon Musk to Grimes's boyfriend
Text replacement addon that changes "Elon Musk" to "Grimes's boyfriend"
17 users
Crunchyroll Reddit Button
Adds a button to crunchyroll video pages that lets you easily search for the episode on r/anime.
17 users
Control your browser using the on-screen joystick for touch-screen devices (e.g. tablets).
17 users
Copy all the tab information to the clipboard
Copy all the tab information to the clipboard.
17 users
Flappy Bird Basic Fun
Flappy Bird Basic Fun is a simple but fully functional game utility with many attractive difficulty levels
17 users
Freaky Blinders - Reddit Post Filter
Filters Reddit posts based on user-defined keywords.
17 users
SNUON Assistant
eTL SNUON에 배속 재생, 탐색, 단축키 등 강의 시청을 도와주는 여러 도구를 추가합니다.
17 users
Горячие клавиши переключения субтитров на Rezka
Позволяет переключать субтитры на hdrezka.
17 users
Hangouts Background Remover
Remove rotating background image from Google Hangouts.
17 users
Big Refresh Button
Easy to see button to refresh the current page.
17 users
Removes undesirable elements from a web page.
17 users
Private Indicator
Indicate if the current tab is in private mode.
17 users
Recipe adapter
Adapt online recipes to the number of servings you want.
17 users
A Firefox Extension for Letterboxd which adds rating histograms to public lists based on the author's rating
17 users
Анализ мобильной версии сайта
Расширение позволяет просматривать в удобном формате страницы сайта в эмуляторе мобильного устройства.
17 users
Small Text Big
Makes website text larger and readable.
17 users
Material Hompage
HomePage or NewTab for professionals with less distraction.
17 users