LoadTabOnSelect 3
Stops loading the content of the tab opened in the background, such as by clicking the middle mouse button. Reduces the instantaneous peak CPU load and network load when opening many links at once. Other miscellaneous functions related to tabs.
215 users
Amazon Vine Ultraviner
Optimize ordering and reviewing experience for Amazon Vine Users.
215 users
WaspLine Reader
Make reading faster and easier by applying color gradients to the text
214 users
Cambridge English Dictionary
Cambridge English Dictionary search tool
214 users
VeloViewer Plugin for Strava
Additions to Strava website to provide helpful links and features for VeloViewer.
213 users
Item Price History - LeBonCoin
Extension permettant d'afficher l'ancien prix d'un objet sur le site LeBonCoin
213 users
Quran Tab
Quran Tab is an Islamic new tab page that will keep you inspired by a verse from the Quran every time you open a new tab. This is a ported version of the Google Chrome Extension. I did not create this extension, nor did I create the Chrome version.
212 users
[STG plugin] Create new group
Create new group in extention Simple Tab Groups
212 users
Plugin Officiel Seedbox.fr
Ajoutez des torrents avec un simple clic droit - fonctionne avec les trackers publiques et privés. Documentation : <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/54b55d1906b764aa60e42b7b2b0cc1b7bf3f0d61f38a2b7ae7f61ca8b2014872/https%3A//wiki.seedbox.fr/index.php/Extension_pour_le_navigateur_Firefox">https://wiki.seedbox.fr/index.php/Extension_pour_le_navigateur_Firefox</a>
212 users
Smart-ID WebAutoLogin
Smart-ID AutoLoginApp is a tool for fingerprint users to automatically login websites. Please note this add-on only works when fingerprint device is plugin and Smar-ID application for windows is installed.
212 users
Ad Stop - Best Ad Blocker
Adstop blocks media ads, video ads, popups, scam and malware sites.
211 users
LiveGamers.pl - Dodatek
Rozszerzenie umożliwiające poprawne odtwarzanie video w serwisach <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d44326ce3044cd8e3646181783a351e389fed572b04ff5cc2d2af375f2b3fbbc/http%3A//LiveGamers.pl" rel="nofollow">LiveGamers.pl</a>.
211 users
Automatically mutes each new tab the instant it is opened.
211 users
YouTube Playlist Sorter (A-Z)
YouTube playlists in the playlist selection modal (and formerly playlists in the sidebar) are automatically sorted in alphabetical order.
211 users
Markdown Diagrams
Renders diagrams and charts code blocks into preview images. Supports many languages: PlantUML, Mermaid, C4, GraphViz, Erd, Nomnoml, BPMN, *Diag, Bytefield, Ditaa, Svgbob, UMlet, Vega, Vega-Lite, WaveDrom.
210 users
GoogleDocs Dark Canvas
Altera a cor da canvas do GoogleDocs.
210 users
Simple Copy-Paste Boxes
A simple Copy-Paste Notepad for making copy-pasting the same thing easy. Saves text values and allows you to copy them to the clipboard. If you can support, please do so at PAYPAL.ME/USEFULPROGRAMMER.
209 users
Wikipedia with MathJax
Replaces Wikipedia bitmap equations with proper HTML-CSS ones by re-rendering them using MathJax.
209 users
YouTube Spacebar Pause
Pauses YouTube Videos with Spacebar, Focussed or not. If you want to scroll comments via Spacebar, simply click on a comment and start scrolling.Pressing space button doesn't stop video when the focus is on like or subscribe button.
208 users
Hide Tabs (Panic Button)
Easily hide and restore all open tabs with click of a button.
208 users
BetterBluesky - Trends & more
Improve your Bluesky experience! Add Trending Topics, improve design and more!
208 users
Profile Indicator
Displays which Firefox profile is in use.
208 users
JadeShip.com Extension
My Agent Extension - automatically convert all links on reddit and yupoo to your favorite agent; enrich the page with online information, sales statistics and QC pictures. Works with all shopping agents and the Weidian, Taobao and 1688 marketplaces.
207 users
Bookmark Shortcuts
Adds shortcuts to Bookmark Toolbar
207 users
Download and scrape e926/e621 pools and etc.
207 users