DnD Beyond Fullscreen
Adds a fullscreen button to the dnd beyond main menu
55 users
Hide Twitter Sidebars
Hides Twitter sidebars.
55 users
Simple QR Code
This generates a QR code for the current tab
55 users
Librus Desktop Addons
This addon calculates your percentage attendance, allows manipulating your grades and displays their average in Librus Synergia class register.
55 users
VNDB Extender
Improves readability and automatically adds images and useful information to VNDB visual novel lists.
55 users
Extra Danbooru functions: Dark mode, Instant preview/download links, Multi-tag search
55 users
Songsterr Unblur Extension
Unblurs the Songsterr Tab Player.
55 users
Warm Reminder Deleter
Automatycznie usuwa warm reminder na agentcie <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/fbfe0a6805136f920e0881f9902f1b7e70d1657f54124e096198d403a9998299/http%3A//cnfans.com" rel="nofollow">cnfans.com</a>.
55 users
Notifications Preview for GitHub
Quickly see your notifications in a popup without leaving the current page
55 users
ZaDark – Zalo Dark Mode
Dark Mode tốt nhất cho Zalo
55 users
BookmarkViewer arranges bookmarks. I will update it when Firefox Webextensions API supports favicon.
55 users
Bluesky Color Customizer
Lets you customize Bluesky's accent color
55 users
Uncheck Radio Buttons
This extension allows users to uncheck radio buttons! Right-click any radio button to uncheck.
55 users
楽天の PR 商品を非表示にする
楽天市場の検索結果から PR 商品(広告商品)を消します。
55 users
Movable window-minimize-button
Creates a movable button to minimize current window.
55 users
A Mozilla extension that works with the conversion between decimal and American odds formats.
55 users
Quiver Web Clipper
Quiver Web Clipper lets you clip web pages as Quiver notes. It also provides a clutter-free Reader View.
54 users
YouTube Views and Creation Date Styling
Changes view count and creation date CSS styling of YouTube videos for better visibility.
54 users
Tolerable Discord
Reduces visual clutter and improves performance in Discord by eliminating certain animations and pointless features.
54 users
YT Unhook - Remove YouTube Distractions
YT Unhook: Block distractions on YouTube, removing Shorts and side-suggestions for a clean, focused viewing experience.
54 users
LinkedIn jobs language filter
Adds an option to filter jobs based on the language of the description
54 users
TinyURL Bypass
Automatically redirect tiny url without waiting for the timer.
54 users
Old Wiki Redirect
Makes Wikipedia look like it used to.
54 users
Volume BoosterX
The Volume Booster is a one-of-a-kind application for volume control.
54 users
YouTube Shorts Blocker
Remove YouTube shorts (toggleable) from YouTube videos feed, avoiding distractions.
54 users