Save scroll positions for tabs, as well as the tabs themselves. Designed for quick bookmarking and keeping track of where you were on long pages.
288 users
Add to Dropmark
A quick way to add links, images, and screenshots to your Dropmark collections.
288 users
Scrapyard Bookmarks
Scrapyard is a page-archiving bookmark manager suitable for heavy scrapbooking. With its friendly user experience and simple configuration it may be an excellent replacement for the legacy ScrapBook and even for the built-in bookmark manager.
285 users
Bookmarklets context menu
Add a context menu item contains only bookmarklets from bookmarks. With this extension, bookmarklets can make cross-origin requests, write to the clipboard, communicate with addons, etc. NEVER use untrusted bookmarklet!
280 users
Yay! Another Speed dial!
A cool and highly customizable Speed Dial focused on style and simplicity.
278 users
Save to Scholaread
Scholaread transforms PDF research papers, including ones with diagrams, formulas and tables, into a seamless, eye-friendly reading experience on your mobile, tablet and PC. Experience for smooth zooming, clickable citations, resizable text.
270 users
A Fine Start - minimal new tab page
A replacement for Firefox’s new-tab page that presents your favorite links as a clean, simple list.
268 users
Bookmark Switcher
Switch between several bookmark toolbars!
261 users
Launch Gmail
Gmail toolbar button:- - Opens Gmail in a new tab ( - Neat icon
257 users
Drag To Go +
support using drag and drop gestures to open/save/search text, links and images.
254 users
The archiving companion. Archive webpages on,, or to make online backups of the pages you love, preventing dead links. Archiveror automatically archives your bookmarks.
253 users
Quick Bookmark To Folder
Lets you quickly find a bookmark folder and save a bookmark inside
249 users
MindSky Bookmarks
Save and organize your bookmarks.
249 users
Save a link to the current tab
Generates an HTML stub file that links to the current tab.
245 users
mywebook clipping tool
Use mywebook clipping tool browser extension to save articles, videos, images, products, discussions and more to your account for later reading and easy access.
244 users
“Post!” button (
A handy tool to collect and post knitting schemes, recipes, and other ideas – “Post!” button from From Russia with love.
244 users
Sidebar for Firefox
237 users
Browser extension for Anybox. Collect your links and images.
237 users
Acessa o HTML e altera o texto de acordo com os dados copiados de outra tela.
237 users
Log into your account and save your citations as you browse.
234 users
syncmarx (alpha)
Web extension built for cross-browser bookmark syncing to the cloud. Currently supports Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box as backends for bookmark synchronization.
233 users
Cite websites in Citationsy Cite websites, books, papers, articles, podcasts, songs, and much more using Citationsy. Perfect references and footnotes every time. Citationsy is perhaps the world’s best referencing tool.
232 users
Omni - Manage Tabs, Bookmarks, History...
Supercharge Firefox with commands, shortcuts, and more
231 users
Type 'c' and then type in the [] command.
227 users
bookmark batch-updater
Utility to modify properties of multiple bookmarks at once
227 users