HealthGuard's red/green ratings and labels help users know which health news and medical information websites to trust.
65 users
Live Ticker Bookmarks
Create live bookmarks for stocks and cryptocurrencies with auto updating prices! Live stock ticker and crypto ticker work directly in the Bookmarks Toolbar and easily in view! Arrange them as needed and in folders if desired.
65 users
Midnight Themes
A set of themes for Wattpad.
64 users
Show content on
64 users
Leet Xt - Supercharge your Leetcode practice
Supercharge your LeetCode practice - Add to Friends, Premium Features, per Contest Friends Rating, and more!
63 users
StyleGuard Pro
Style-checking tools in Firefox for professional references, like The Associated Press.
62 users
Stock Glance
Get real-time stock prices, news, and all the financial data you need with our stocks extension.
62 users
Explore Thousands of Delicious Recipes
61 users
My Reddit Companion
Best reddit companion on the web. Right click on maximize button to change direction.
61 users
Quick Compose for Gmail
Quickly open the compose window of Gmail. Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + C.
60 users
remove tumblr live
Removes the tumblr live banner from dashboard
60 users
Google Analytics Trends
See your real time Google Analytics in the toolbar of your browser
60 users
微信公众号图文创作利器:Markdown 编辑器 + 多平台图片托管 借助我们创新的浏览器插件,轻松创作引人入胜的微信公众号图文内容。该插件集成了功能强大的 Markdown 编辑器和主流图片托管平台,并支持使用官方微信公众号图片托管服务,让您免费存储图片,助您高效创作图文内容。
59 users
Context Menu Search
This extension can be used to search for selected text using the context menu. The search results are shown in a new tab next to the current tab.
59 users
Newspaper Free
Articles on some newspaper pages can be read free
59 users
My Reading Mode
Show web pages as a reading mode with your defines.
59 users
Word Pronunciation Database
Latest Word of the Day from and Easy Word Search Pronunciations. Search how to pronounce any word in 1-Click and share with a friend. Addon uses 3rd party site ( for operation.
59 users
Bookmarker that allows you to save webpages to a public online bookshelf, which can be shared with a single link. You can add highlights and annotations to an article, and Curius reminds you of saved links when you open a new tab.
59 users
Wiki Journey
Visualizes your daily Wikipedia adventures
58 users
Oxford Learner Dictionary
Oxford Learner Dictionary search tool
58 users
MKKP Hoax Radar
Amennyiben valamelyik, közismerten kamu híreket terjesztő oldalra tévedsz, egy figyelmeztetést fog dobni ez a kiterjesztés. A teljes listát itt tudod megtekinteni:
58 users
Twitter Auto Clicker
Automatically posts CTT tweets from (not affiliated).
58 users
Stay up to date with, even while staying offline. Posting, liking, monitoring or searching with Yandex just got easier!
58 users
Read It Later app to read more and finish your reading list - to use the web for better you. This extension is to save web articles to your account, along with other useful capabilities.
57 users
YouTube Comments Crawler
Extracts all comments from the YouTube video page, sorts them by the amount of likes and saves them to a csv file.
57 users