Flashcards maker
Flashcards maker counts words on a webpage and automatically makes flashcards from them, using scrapping of 3rd party websites
1 user
EMR Filler
Automatically fills Documentation based on the type of procedure given from the user.
1 user
Text Zoom with Reader Mode
Optimize browsing: Text zoom for readability, distraction-free reading mode, images hide for faster loading.
1 user
Communicate with ollama, Summarize web pages, chat, translate, etc.
1 user
When using monkeytype, if you don't know the meaning of a word, you can show it's definition by typing right shift.
1 user
Paleo-Hebrew browser extension.
1 user
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ee8266b489750f4aeca3afcee774c15502c9ce96e67f6f29c04c9e9cb1f707d8/http%3A//Typli.Ai" rel="nofollow">Typli.Ai</a> is an AI-powered writing tool that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost!
1 user
Language extension
1 user
Daily french word
Gives us everyday a french word.
1 user
Instant dictionary lookup with PopUpDictionary. Quickly define words and expand your vocabulary with a simple popup interface.
1 user
Bilingual Page Translator
Translate web pages into two languages simultaneously for bilingual reading.
1 user
Dictionary Meaning
Get the selected text's meaning within a click.
1 user
BigRoc Bing Web Dictoinary
The add-on tools from RocJohn, Help you to launch Bing Web Dictionary rapidly.
1 user
Go Doc Tooltip
Show golang doc's function description as tooltip at function list
1 user
L10n Workflow
Uma maneira mais rápida de acessar os sites utilizados para localizar/traduzir os produtos e projetos da Mozilla para o Português do Brasil.
1 user
Software eats AI
Replaces every mention of 'AI' and 'Artificial Intelligence' with 'Software'
1 user
Vocab10k Extension
Learn English smart
1 user
xatImages Screenshoter
Simple app for sharing screenshots, just by sending a link.
1 user
Hanzi Substitution
Replaces english words with hanzi.
1 user
Translate Selected Text
Translate selected text (Uses Google translate service).
1 user
Remove tl search parameter from reddit urls to avoid the translation of pages.
1 user
CodeCraft: Multi-Language Beautifier
Beautify and format code in multiple programming languages
1 user
Bor et Bar
Cette extension remplace les lettres "o" par la lettre "a" dans le corps de la page et les lettres "a" par des "o". Il s'agit d'un homage au village de Bor Et Bar.
1 user
AltCopy: Paraphraser Tool
Add a context menu option to links to paraphrase the text and open the different versions in another tab
1 user