LSD - Link Sharer for Discord
Share the URL of the current website to a Discord webhook
0 users
Haachama language
This extension translates english into Haachama language, facilitating a natural and scalable language learning process.
0 users
A Simple Google Translate Add On That is One Click Away
0 users
A chrome extension inspired for language detection of your website
0 users
Randomly capitalize letters.
0 users
Romanian Daily: Learn with Every Tab
Learn a new Romanian word every day with each new tab, accompanied by stunning visuals of Romania.
0 users
Web Font Analyzer and Tester by TypeVista
0 users
LinguaVerse: LexiconLink
Visualize relationships between words across different languages
0 users
Converts all numbers to seximal (base 6)
0 users
AI Tweet - Test your MBTI with just a click
Creative replies by AI celebrities, make twitter fun again. Test your MBTI with just a click.
0 users
ChatAI Everywhere Pro
Professional-grade AI chat access with extended features.
0 users
German SpellCheck
Real-time German spelling correction for flawless writing.
0 users
Pledarix übersetzt das Wort einer Webseite, das sich gerade hinter dem Mauszeiger befindet, wahlweise in ein rätoromanisches Idiom, Französisch, Italienisch oder Englisch.
0 users
German ProEdit
Instant corrections for German spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
0 users
Summarize any webpage by adding to the URL:<URL>
0 users
Суммаризация YouTube видео с помощью нейросетей.
0 users
Search in Almaany Dictionary
0 users
0 users
WordWise Explorer
Quick word definitions on double-click with advanced language learning features
0 users
Voscreen Shortcuts
Shortcuts for Voscreen
0 users
Appends -arang to everything. EVERYTHING. >.> It's not weird you're weird.
0 users
MGGA Make Glagoljica Great Again
A simple Firefox extension enabling you to read websites in Glagolitic script (Glagoljica).
0 users
Text Statistics
Display statistics about average word and sentence length
0 users
GlobeGlot Pro
Real-time Webpage Translator
0 users
Zëri App
Konverton tekste Shqip, në audio. Zgjidhni tekstin në shqip në çdo faqe web, klikoni me të djathtën dhe zgjidhni opsionin 'Kthe tekstin në audio' dhe dëgjoni tekstin.
0 users